Synopsis: The idea is based in a different world, the time-setting is medieval, and takes place in a world I have named 'Dyneria'. Dyneria is primarily inhabited by humans, but there was other races in the lands of Dyneria. Angels and demons had become prominent as of late. The angels protect the humans, while the demons corrupt and sacrifice them to their dark king; he who sat on a throne of skulls and blood. There was many different breeds of demons within the demonic legion. Some of the human forces join up with the angels in a military effort to eradicate the demonic threat. The angels use blessings to strengthen their human allies. The demons use malign curses in their vile tongues. The humans also had a group of people called 'Magic-born'; these certain individuals could access and use magic. The magic-born were trained by higher-ranking mages, they also had groups of alchemists, and priests. The humans and angels praised a god they called 'The Divine One'. He was a kind God; he could make prayers and dream come true to his faithful. He was benevolent, pure, wise, reverent, forgiving, and protective of his disciples. The angels had a leader too; they called her 'The Revered Lady'. The humans weren't all faithful to The Divine One, some knelt before The Dark King and performed malicious deeds to appease him. Others stayed out of the war entirely, afraid to swear an oath to either side. Darkness was spreading like the plague, enticing all those who were unable to resist it's siren-like call. Demons are corrupted humans or other beings that suffer a dark transformation. Angels are blessed and divine beings that receive God's favor, and he shares with them his ultimate power; for he is omnipotent. Humans were left to choose a side; good or evil, unimaginable power awaited the devoted. Spirits of fallen humans, demons, angels, and animals roamed Dyneria freely. It was said the spirits possessed knowledge, and would do anything to obtain it. There was other supernatural beings roaming the lands as well; beings of great enigma. There was also the neutral factions who served only themselves; the dark angels, whom were cast out of the heavens for their sinful actions. Then there was the fierce barbarians who possessed the ability to draw upon the spirits of various animals; giving them special strengths in combat. So, I would like this to be high casual. I want at least 3-4 paragraphs out of every post. Obviously there is a lot of choices for what race you want to be; if you want to be a half-breed then I will consider it.