Ben would step out after Zhevon, and breathe a sigh of relief. He reached up, and wiped his face, and took a deep breath. Then he looked at the Inquisitor and stepped forward, he didn't have long. "[color=aba000]Sir, we need to reign in the psyker. Her behavior is unacceptable. If she was in the Guard, she'd have been shot already. Now I know, I understand we are not in the guard anymore. But her flippant attitude is going to fill bodybags soon. She was ready to try and warpstep us from there to here, with complete disregard for the fact that we just walked through a hallway of who knows what the fuck. She thought you were going to get killed in the cafe, and dropped Stukov 10 feet off the ground. He's lucky nothing broke. She can't use her powers responsibly, she thinks too highly of herself, [/color]" Ben would turn and look down the hallway and the approaching pair "[color=aba000]And look at her staff, she can't control herself here. For her safety, and ours, and more importantly, this planet's, we need her under control. We need to be able to trust her. And from what I've seen today, I cannot trust her in combat if she's as likely to drop us behind the enemy's position as she would deposit us in it. If you want to disregard my opinion, so be it. But for the safety of this group, I had to speak it.[/color]"