Tim's life had changed drastically since he could hear that certain [i]voice [/i]. Somehow, the voice would drive him on and he regained his confidence again to attend school. His grades went up significantly and somehow he could make the people around him happy. But the happiness was not for long since the hope that he gave off didn't last forever. It was weird really, one time he could feel like he could take on the world but the other moment everything seemed lost. And the voice in his head, which he first thought was his, rarely spoke to him and when it did it was usually some typical hope gibberish, sort of like [color=f9ad81][i]"We can do it!"[/i][/color] [color=f9ad81][i]"You can do anything you want in this world!" [/i][/color]. This confusing life went on for a while until one day, when he received an email. The email was from someone he never saw before, but what was in the email shocked him. [i]"You don't know me but I know you. In the last month your world has changed. One day you were alone in your head. The next you weren't. You saw doctors and did research but couldn't find the answers about what was happening to you. Soon you notice that the voice in your head isn't the only thing that has changed. You can now do something that no human can do. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. There are others like you. Others that have a voice that whispers to them and can do things that no one else can do. I have some answers. I am inviting all of those who has had these experiences to come to my castle where I will explain what I know about what has caused these changes."[/i] [i]"So I'm not the only one after all..." [/i] he thought and intrigued by this unknown sender he decided to visit the place. After a few days of lifting and using the bus, he finally got close enough to finish the rest of the journey by foot. After some time he finally reached his destination, some sort of really old looking castle. [i]"Hmmm is it really the place I'm supposed to be? Seems fishy..." [/i] he thought while observing the surroundings. The voice suddenly livened up [color=f9ad81][i]"Yes, yes go there, you'll find what you look for!" [/i][/color]. Tim was surprised, this was the first time the voice sounded this excited. Trusting the voice, he entered the castle..