Argent woke up and stretched, then went about getting ready for the day. Twenty minutes later, after a balanced breakfast and a quick shower, the silver haired young man was dressed in his combat clothes and was giving his weapons one last thorough checkup when the call for all first years to report to Beacon Cliff for initiation. A razor sharp smile carved itself across his features, finally, after so many years of effort the time had come. Silver light emanated from his body as his excitement caused his aura to escape his control, the glow extended nearly six feet away from his body. After failing to repress his aura with plain willpower, the young knight took several deep breaths to center himself and literally felt the silver glow fade away, then he sheathed Michael, slung Raphael across his back, and began walking in the direction the others had gone, thankful that he'd been the last to leave, and that nobody had seen his control slip. It was time to show people what he could do, idly he wondered what his partner or other teammates would be like, he hoped that he liked them.