[b]Noah's Car, Los Angeles[/b] Jennifer snickered at Noah. He was still the same man she remembered. Business business business. "Come on now, how else was I going to make an appearance. You know my clothes can't come with me when I use my ability." She didn't mention Michael because she didn't know how much Noah knew of her husband. [i]Is he keeping tabs on me too? Fuck, I thought I was under the radar... even from him[/i] Jennifer covered herself comfortably with the blanket in the backseat. She didn't notice her smile fade for a moment as she had personal questions for Noah. She was just afraid to ask. It wasn't like her, but she wanted to protect her new life as best as she could. "Keeping tabs and stalking are pretty much the same thing, but whatever you sat Bennet. As for me needing something... It's actually more of a want. I want to know what's going on. Who the hell hit the school? And why? I just want answers. I live here after all." [b]ER, Los Angeles[/b] Michael couldn't believe Blaire was still trying to go for an Oscar. He raised an eyebrow and smiled up at her pretty much making a "really?" face. He couldn't help to feel a little bad for the girl though. Parts of what she was saying seemed true, and if it was at least half true, he felt a bit obligated to help her. It was just Michael's way. "That much huh?" He commented on the dosage she asked for. "Alright, I got you, but... I don't normally do this, but you seem like an alright girl." Michael said as he dug into his wallet and grabbed his business card. "Here... if you ever need someone to listen. As you can see, I'm a pretty decent talker. I'm an amazing listener though." Michael handed Blaire his card and stood up to put a hand to her shoulder. "I'll be seeing the next patient on the list now, a nurse will be in to give you your prescription made by yours truly, and then you can go off and... party I guess. Stay cool." Michael said as he walked out of the curtained room. It was time to entertain more customers. [i]I think she got me... An Oscar she gets then.[/i]