[b]Private First Class Takeshi, Katsuo, Island 1/ 1 Mile North West of Crash site Two[/b] Takeshi's SOEIV shuttered violently as it smashed through two trees in a shower of tree limbs and splinters before finally impacting ground in a cloud of dust wedged against a Tree's Trunk. Takeshi's door exploded off a split second after the SOEIV settled flinging the door into a near by clearing, He pulled his restraints off and stumbled out of his pod and checked his pack's straps then grabbed his MA5B from the pod and pulled the charging handle feeding a round into the chamber and flipped the safety off. Voices could be heard closing in sending Takeshi into a full sprints for forty feet til he got behind a fallen tree and it's underbrush and rested his rifle on the aimed at his pod. Four grunts with a jackal came into view the jackal chirping orders at the grunts as they approached the pod well the grunts made odd sounding noises. The Grunts reached the pod first pouring over the pod and sniffing the air, Takeshi's suppressed MA5B coughed as he depressed his trigger in a short burst sending expended shell casings spiraling into the underbrush, purple blood sprayed into the air as four 7.62x51mm full metal jacketed rounds punctured the chest of the jackal killing it before it hit the ground. He brought his assault rifle to bear on the grunts and fired another burst cutting a grunt down as it was turning, a panicked shot of green plasma went wide of Takeshi impacting a tree leaving a smoldering hole in the trunk. Takeshi fired another burst impacting the grunts chest and head in a shower of luminescent blue blood as the grunts head exploded from the impact. Takeshi slowly rose as the remaining grunt cowered behind the pod firing blind shots from it's plasma pistol. Takeshi aimed his MA5B at the exposed methane pack of the grunt and took a deep breath and released half the breath and depressed his trigger releasing a round that impacted the methane pack and turning into a explosive on the grunts back,throwing the charred grunts body from behind the pod sprawling on the ground. Takeshi remembered seeing a set of ruins north at the apex of a snow capped mountain on his decent to terra firma north west of his postion and a acrid black pillar of smoke southeast and decided to go with the ruins rather then a trap with no support and began moving northwest on the hilly terrain. He activated his helmet's built in microphone ," This is Dragon Xray 1-3, condition green, unknown grid dose anyone copy over." he said slowly and clearly with a slight Japanese accent over the encrypted radio net as he continued walking his weapon scanning in front of him well listening for a reply as he continued to ascend the wooded area.