Oh, just to be clear, and because I like spreading rumours, Toran's leathers are under his sleeves, and almost always are. This has started rumours around Dorne and King's Landing that the boy is immune to venom, from servants and the like seeing his snake bite him and Toran walk it off like it ain't no thang. I'd also like to start a very murky rumour that people think he might be a warg, since no one is sure how he has such a grasp over Toruk. Hell, I might do that at some point, lol.' If your guys' characters have any rumours spreading about them that other wards might know, you should totally spread them. I mean, what is any self-respecting ASOIAF roleplay without some rumours and "King of the North" style misinformation, hm? I'd love to hear them! Anywho, night! Wish me luck! Haha