Robyn raised an eyebrow at the Dornish Prince when he burst into the room. His state of undress nor the snake fazed her, since she had prepared to come here. Neither did his bastard state. While less known than the Dornish, the Iron Island kept their fair share of concubines, or Salt Wives as they were called there. Robyn was vaguely aware of having several salt brother and sister, but since she was born legitimate they did not hold a position to take her place, even if her father did legitimize them, and therefore she didn't really care. "And this must be Alerie Tyrell of Highgarden." Robyn commented glancing at everyone in the room. It seems that house Tully and house Lannister had yet to make an appearance, as well as the Targaryen children but they had their own lives and Robyn could honestly care less. She was pointedly ignoring Alyssa Arryn and instead turned her attention to the Dornish Prince. "So, are the rumors of your tolerance to venom true or should one of us rush off to find an antidote from the Grand Maester because I truly feel that the Queen's cousin dying in a room full of his enemies would not make for a wonderful start." Robyn asked politely, even as she itched to leave this room and dive into the bay. She observed him with the snake and the two direwolves and the lynx and she longed for her own companion even though she knew he was still deep in the ocean.