Mike swept the corners with his rifle, as Prowler and Harlock moved towards the commotion, catching brief glimpses of the enemy amidst the buildings, he grew less and less optimistic. Judging by the amount and timing of the explosions, this wouldn't end well. they were fast, and judging by the amount of burned out APCs, not lightweights. he muttered to blade as they advanced. Prowler reaching down to take out one of its trench knives, before returning to the fore grip of its rifle, gripping both. he said gruffly. [i]"Nawlin, Jacquo, you two are wi' me." [/i]Blade said over his headset. "[i]Move out, let's show these Southern fuckers how Landren rolls". [/i] mike quipped. he smirked as Harlock sped forward into the fray. mike dropped back a street and flanked left, putting a fair amount of distance between them before cutting forward towards the explosions, rifle and knife ready. Mentally he kept going over what could go wrong, he always did, but it would all go bank during the fight. he peaked around the corner just in time to see a group of local soldiers get turned into mist. "shit..." he muttered to himself, gripping the controls tighter he gathered himself, and turned the corner. [i] "We got some room, spread out and flank 'im. I'll drive up the middle and pin him with the mortar an' missiles!"[/i] mike growled as he sighted on the hostile mech, the carbine belching in two round bursts. For once everything lined up right, Not only did the teams munitions impact the target, but bonuses from the local military turned the mech into a cloud of cordite and pure damage. On paper, mike would have written off the mech as done, but this wasn't an exercise. keeping an eye on his sensors, he advanced on the target, ready to blast the thing back to hell. Blade advanced to check on the target, and mike made sure that his angle wouldn't impact his teammates, moving to the right as he went. his paranoia paid off as the mangled gear burst to life, launching itself at Irry. firing a flurry of bursts at the machine, he flared Prowlers jets, closing the distance between him and the hostile from a few hundred or so meters, to a hundred. hitting dirt, mike shifted his gaze to Harlock, as a new tango engaged blade. swinging the rifle mike continued forward. looking for a shot. [i]"Nawlin, help Jacquo! I've got this bastard!"[/i] Mike growled, and continued on his path, passing Blade and continuing onto Irry position, trusting blade to make it out. The following explosion surprised him, but Irry wasn't fairing well. Racing towards the two fighting mechs, Prowler gripped its weapons harder. [i] "Nawlin- Mike!"[/i] She yelled into her helmets' mic. [i]"I need some help over here, this guy is planning on cutting me up bit by bit!"[/i] mike yelled < You need to disengage!, you can't win that fight!> No way her support gear could match that gear...he didn't think anyone's could. Mike flared Prowlers thrusters again, darting forward as mike watched the enemy gear slice into Irry's harlock's face. [i]That's it... [/i]mike thought, [i]These aren't soldiers, these are monsters![/i] Surpassing anger, and diving straight into fury, mike sped towards the two [i]"Mike,"[/i] she panted into the radio. "[i]I'm going to rush him, grapple him in tight and get him with the axe. Once he's immobilized, hammer him with everything you've got!" [/i] Close, mike watched as Irry, Braver then he would have been in her situation, kept her head, and squared off against the mech, driving it forward with monumental axe strike and body tackle. Both gears tumbling into the side of a building before Irry Ejected, Leaving her Gear in a deadlock with the enemy. Prowler dropped to a skid as a bolt of energy sliced towards him, Digging a scar in its face, burning a main camera and slicing off a sensor antenna. Recovering into a sprint, Prowlers remaining eye glared at his target as it vainly tried to get another attack angle on him. mike yelled through the external speakers as he took Prowler's momentum and forged it into a vicious kick. All the weight and speed driving into the side of the enemy gears head, Crushing the armor, and destroying vulnerable equipment inside. he roared as he jammed the barrel against the enemy gears chest, and emptied the magazine. AP rounds tearing chunks from the armor, and burying themselves in the ground below until the action locked open. Mike, breathing hard, reloaded the rifle, and for good measure, stomped through the weakened chest of the gear. coming back to his senses, he turned back to where he last saw Blades Harlock. "Tango down, Sit Rep, Blade, Irry, talk to me!" Prowler snapped the rifle up, as it jogged over to blades wreckage, the scar on prowlers face fading to a dull red.