Stukov stumbled out of the tunnel, ears ringing from the volume that the voices had left in his ears, enough so he missed anything that Watchman had to say on the matter of Smiles and her situation as the resident psyker of the group. Emperor preserve him he [i]hated[/i] whenever the Warp was involved in such a manner. That kind of devil trickery only served to damn good men to their deaths and worse, and for some damned reason it left him shaken on a mental level, they knew far too much to just be random daemons. Or they were random daemons and could look into their minds, pick out the best methods of corruption and turn them on the group. But he looked from Boss, to Watchman and back before pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against and brushing off his coat, thankful for the rebreather and eye protection masking any real reaction so far. [color=9e0b0f]"Gentleman, I suggest we NOT go out that way, if at all possible?"[/color] Taking a chance to properly take in his surroundings, the Armsman turned to look back into the corridor, including the power channeling through Smiles. Well, that probably wasn't a good sign. If those statues went active it would be a very bad day. However, he had an idea if that went south that should be far more efficient then blasting the statues to pieces, and spoke back to the Inquisitor as he voiced his idea. [color=9e0b0f]"Those things go active, Boss, you might have some luck with that null rod. Daemons tend to vanish fast if something disrupts their connection, in my experience at any rate. Might be faster then blowing the statues to pieces, at any rate."[/color] True to his word, however, if it looked like Smiles was going to need a hand he was ready to go moving back in there if at all necessary. Even if that meant subjugating himself to that damned Warp cursed corridor of statues all but screaming into his ears again, and he muttered to himself as he stood by for the last of their group to be out. [i][color=9e0b0f]"Damn things didn't need to be that loud..."[/color][/i]