Aihara watched as the Southern GEAR crawled to its death at his feet. His hatred for both of the larger nations apparent as he planted a foot on the torso of the GEAR, and crushed it, killing any inside. "Blood for blood you sick fucks. Noone spills innocent blood and lives to tell the fucking tale." Though he should have spared him, he wasn't entirely thinking at the moment. Then he saw the one sight he thought he'd never see, Blade's GEAR down, the hostile he engaged somehow..[i]flew[/i] out of the area and fled the fight. "Cowardly basta-" then he heard, and saw Irry go down, her GEAR ruined as well. "Holy fuck Irry! Irry talk to me!" He sprinted over as Mike tore the poor bastard who hurt her a new one. Then hearing Mike's call for a sit-rep he spoke calmly into comms: "Mike I'm clear, seems like most of the threat is dead or fleeing, we should set up overwatch points and roll in some armor. We need to breach that warehouse." He jogged to the side of Prowler and sighed, his rifle still at the ready, but he was still worn. "Mike, how do you wanna do this? You me and Adrian are damn near all that's left in our GEARS." he saw the duel in the skies, but sighed again. He had no way of taking the transport out, but he knew what could. "Blade, think the [i]Claw[/i] has any air support to spare for us?" He rolled the battle worn shoulders of [i]Blitzkrieg[/i] as he scanned the city and then he saw it. He saw Adrian's wreckage and just stood there...[i][b]Not him too...[/b][/i] he thought as he ran over shouting over comm-link. Hoping to get an answer. "Adrian! Hey answer me! C'mon man talk to me!" He sprinted over and knelt near him, setting his rifle aside as he checked the damage. "Holy fucking shit...Goddammit..." He didn't know if he was alive, but he made a call to the [i]Claw[/i] anyway. "Claw this is Aihara! We need a medevac! Adrians down! Adrian c'mon buddy this ain't time for a nap get up!" He was almost certain the guy was dead, but like fuck if he was gonna take that lying down. He quickly slid Blitz into a dismount stance and exited the GEAR, sprinting to the wreckage to try and pull Adrian out of what was left. "Sonuva bitch where is the emergency latch...?!" He wasn't good with this type of thing, "[b]FUCK![/b]" He shouted, scrounging for something to pry the hatch open with. When he did find a piece of debris he could use, he crammed it in the narrow opening lining the hatch and tried with all his might to force it open. He had to get the guy out...He [b]HAD[/b] to. There was no two-ways about it!