The streets ran red, corpses and bodies of those barely clinging to life scattered across the cities landscape. Screams of agony, pain, fear, silenced soon after. " know nothing of PAIN!" A deep voice bellowed through the city, claiming victim upon victim, feasting upon them, slaughtering them. " have not seen pain, felt it, lived through it, not true pain. This? This is not pain, this is a pittance, redemption from TRUE pain." SOLDIER had began sweeping the area, de-capatating the dead so they wouldn't turn, evacuating as many civilians as possible from the town a few hundred miles from Kilo Point, searching for 77b, otherwise known as Bloodletter. The abomination of a vampire that was the cause of this, an entire unit of 50 men heavily armed and armoured, equipped with the best gear money could buy. They were, after all, only humans. Weaponry and armor can only take a man so far. They closed in on Blood, whom was in the process of claiming another victim. Ten people in front aimed their guns at him, one shouted, let's call him Issac. Let's face it, their names won't matter shortly, they'll be another mangled un-recognizable corpse in the road. "You! Surrender or die, no sudden movements or your head comes off!" Blood turned towards them, grinning more psychotically than usual, if that was possible, blood streaming down his face and neck. He stood well above the average human at a towering 6'12, simply turning around caused the men in front to flinch. With a disgusting shlick he tossed the corpse from his blade, licking the blood from the edge. "Oh, the orginizations hounds coming to take their beloved abomination back home and punsih him for being a very bad boy." Blood said mockingly, he was postively beaming a full smile now, razor sharp teeth glistening in the rain from the SOLDIERs lights. "Oh, no. You're not them...not the right makes this much more fun then. You know nothing about me, what I am, what I am capable of...Oh yes, this will be fun indeed." He said, emitting a low, echoing laugh that filled the dead city and wafted out through the forest. A few men in front were simply trembling now, whispering amongst themselves, some even contemplated getting the hell out while the getting was good, some in-fact did. Blood slowly stepped forward and leaned down directly in front of the mans face beside Issac, "Boo." He said with a grin. Almost instantly firing lines were formed and bullets sprayed. Blood simply laughed, arms open displaying his chest un-flinching. "Oh yes. More, MORE. TRY HARDER! TRY TO REDEEM YOUR WORTHLESS LIVES AND KILL ME!" he shouted, laughing with glee. More fled, several more began following suit tossing their guns on the ground and screaming about the monster. The wounds healed nigh instantly when a bullet passed through his flesh, gorged on blood on top of his natural ability. "That almost tickled, now then fun begins. The smart have fled, the simply dumb and foolish stayed behind. You shall make a good feast...yes" He spoke once more, de-capatating two men up front in one strike. Issac ran, Blood delivered a wounding blow. He decided he had plans for this one..yes. After all, one must live to spread the story, the fact that Blood planned on bringing down all of humanity and what it stood for. A hail of bullets and blurs of swordplay ensued, the flash lighting up the night sky. Soon, all who had stayed and most of what escaped was dead. A few escaped, an estimated three out of the original fifty. Blood walked over to Issac who was holding onto life, Issac looked up and saw him coming and reached for a pistol. Shakily he took aim, to no avail. Blood stepped on his hand, a sickening crunch following after. Issac screamed, Blood simply laughed. "You. You will be the one to tell your superiors what you saw here today, the screams of your men dying, the corpses of the civillians you failed to protect. How foolish it was of you to attack me." He then bit Issac's neck, intent on turning him. He completely drained him of blood before transferring a bit of his, satisfied the turning process had begun, he shoved himself off the ground back to a standing posistion. His goal was to reach Kilo Point, or an area near there. He had heard quite a lot about the vampiric activity going on around there, perhaps they would be keen on joining him, or have what he was looking for. He set off in a sprint, headed directly for Kilo Point. He would search there first, then spread out. He laughed madly at the mere thought of finally finding the last piece he needed.