[i]"Screwthis-screwthis-screwthis-screwthis-emperor dammit!"[/i] Behind her mask, Adrianne was literally grinding her teeth together. The voices were mounting to an almost unbearable level, drowning out even her own thoughts! It became impossible to think, every attempt to visualize a topic or theme was immediately shattered by the chorus of nagging voices that came from every direction! It was enough to almost drive her insane! But then, without warning, they all ceased. The world became silent as a graveyard. And by the Emperor, it was a relief to hear nothing at all! [i]"Yes, at last! Peace! Oh blessed, I can hear my own thoughts again!"[/i] However, what was unknown to Adrianne's mind was the fact that she had lost consciousness and collapsed right after crossing the last set of statues, and faceplanted right between the rest of the party standing at the doorway! [b]*BONK*[/b] The psyker simply lay on the dusty floor for a couple of seconds, seemingly unconscious and not moving an inch. But just as quickly as she had been to pass out, her fingers lying limpy around her staff began to twitch before Adrianne reared her helmet to look up and around her at the rest of her group. The purple lights in her eyes seemed to have faded, replaced by the old darkness of her shaded visors behind the skull. [i]"Wait, what happened?"[/i] After what seemed like a moment of confusion, Adrianne would shake her head. "That hallway... wasn't so bad." She would eventually mutter through her mask, shaking her head. Fortunately for her, her helmet and armor had taken most of the brunt of her fall. What her armor had not managed to save however, was her pride... [i]"I hate blackouts!"[/i]