Voira glared at the stupid Turian, kept only from knocking some sense into him with one violent smack by the fact that there were hostiles bearing down on them and Raa needed her help more than he needed a fist to the face. Gently, Voira managed to get Raa out of her curled ball and checked her for any wounds. Satisfied that Raa was no more than extremely shake up at coming so close to death the Asari gave a quick, relieved, hug to the Quarian before speaking quietly. "Raa, I know you're scared but we need to get RK to the terminal. If we don't the humans are going to die in the hangar." When she was sure Raa could move Voira guided her over to the terminal where hopefully RK would be able to get into the hangar and security systems and make escaping this mess far easier than it would be. As Raa was setting up RK, Voira drew her assault rifle and renewed the barrier around the Quarian. Her eyes narrowed in rage again as she saw the blood and sobbing Turian, before she roughly forced herself to aim at the door once more. She couldn't do anything about it right now and she knew it. That didn't mean she was going to forget about it, however. Not as long as the stupid bastard with no common sense was within eyesight. Voira's eyes moved to Tacticus, watching as he armed himself and got ready for the assault. [i]We'll have a talk with him later. A nice, long, talk.[/i] She promised herself as she returned her gaze to the door and aimed her rifle at it, waiting for the first poor, stupid, enemy to walk through and into certain death. Voira grinned. [i]We really need something to kill. Whose first for volunteers?[/i]