Armend found himself nodding slowly at Danica’s words, she was right, they needed to start thinking long term. He looked over to the raw fish and he crinkled his nose, “do you have anything that preserves better? I feel ve are going to have to take a few trips to the market, and perhaps to some farmland.” He didn’t want to come right out and say it, but it might come to just simply raiding a hopefully abandoned farmland and confiscating the goods and seeds. The more human side of him hoped it would come from a more or less farmerless farm, but the idea of it coming from a living farmer seemed little more than simply thievery. His mind opted to a more realistic and innocent idea, “Markets, vhere are they, and do you know ov any out skirted farmers markets ve could visit, less population.” His mind started to buzz again, “I also suggest a roster of everyone this area holds, so we can ration correctly.”