[Center][H1] EDGE [/h1] [/center] Edge was there only long enough to be seen. He was sending a message. I'll be seen when I want ans never when I don't want to be seen. He ducked into alley way before disappearing. This was all part if he plan. The wanna be pirate had made his appearance. Video was readily available on all the prominent member's of the Reformist. Meaning any of them that are worth damn or could ever hope to stand against the UNG. The wanna be would run his mouth and throw some knives the moment he was done talking. It had had been seen and done so many times it was like clockwork. Edge waved his hand back sending back a yellow shock wave that cut down the knives and everything else for nearly ten yards. He disappeared from sight a sewer entrance he made use of was the final act of vanishing. The alerts came through on the helmet. There was Nancy, ever the faithful solder. She was an odd one that Edge never fully understood. He didn't need too as long as goals we're met. "Nancy my dear, how is the evening treating you? The operation went splendid. I undoubtedly think they got the message. How goes your newest experiment?" Edge spoke with a soft calmness that was almost uncomfortable as crept down the sewers whistling a joyful tune. What was there to be down about? He had killed a great many people who wanted to do them harm. He just fell upon quicker than they could the Metas. This was only the first of many attacks. As long as there even a shread of antimeta thoughts. Edge would keep killing. When the thoughts were gone he would take over. Take over everything and everyone. The pathetic norms will bow before the Metas. End of story. [Center][H1] Elijah Craigh [/h1] [/center] Russia was fucking cold, how people lived was beyond this place. The building burning down behind helped. The body of his once good friend Yuri didn't help at all. Just kinda made the cold cut in a little more. Eli would do as he promised and leave his family alone. It was against his standard operating procedures. Normally he killed everyone, no one left to bring him harm. It was always hard to tell what side Eli was on. In a few years, he had pretty killed every leader in the Russian Mob and their families, and their friends, even when so far as to get their pets. He had done a good thing, the right thing. Yet, even he had to wonder if all this blood shed was worth it. Hell the only reason Interpol had left him alone waa because he was better at killing than they were at find him and for some reason, people liked what he was doing. He was a bad man doing very bad things but that was no reason to feel bad about it. Or so he told himself. Tossing the body in the back of a car, he drove Yuri's lifeless remains in the back. It was in fact Yuri's car. Eli drove it to the front Yuri's house, put him the passenger seat and left a note that said "It's over." In the hours that followed Eli found himself in bar. He thank whatever deity came up with the idea of 24 hour bars. A couple whiskey's and bar stool later he found himself watching the news. Some ass hat had killed a bunch of people. Now the Reformist, I'm all their questionable glory we're gonna save the day. To Eli, they were little more than the Metahuman beat cops. From what he had heard, they've done an major overhaul of the Metahuman image in the past few years. Elijah looked at his watch, he was late on weekly phone call to Aiko. A darling of a Japanese girl that he had found on his travels. They were only together for a couple weeks but that was enough for them to build a very close bond. Eli even went as far as taking her to reformist to see her control her powers. Even at 12 she was stronger power wise than Eli himself might ever hope. She was a sweet kid that deserved a decent life. With thoughts of that little girl in his head and all that was going in L.A. Eli couldn't help but feel like was time to go back. He couldn't remember the last time he was in the US for more than a day or two. Had to be upwards of two or three years. He had nothing else going on right now. "Bartender!" Eli shouted while pulling a large was of bills. "I'll give you all this if you get on that phone of yours and get me a flight to L.A." Tossing it the woman behind the bar "My name is Dimitri Yuri Yurievich. Another whiskey while your at it. I'd take a day, maybe two to get back to L.A. and all the fucking traffic. Still it would a trio worth taking.