[center]Name: Lance Seigheart Age: 16 [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/grandchase/images/0/03/Ryan_1st_Job_%281%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20140108035533[/img] History: Lance was born into a family who practiced in the art of fighting with axes. It wasen’t long that they discovered that Lance was more than just talented with the axe, but even excelled at it. It wasn’t until he entered the school of Magicana that he discovered his fate to take down the Demon Lord. And he was ecstatic, ever since he has been hoping for the day that the Demon Lord revealed themselves. What your dream is: To slay the Demon Lord and get all the ladies! What kind of magic you have: Summon of the Hunter: He can summon creatures that have been history’s greatest hunters, this includes sharks, velociraptors, bears, mountain lions, lions, a t-rex, and any other kind of creature that is high on the food chain. He can only summon one creature at a time summoning anything bigger than a car takes a lot of time to summon.[/center]