[@Maxx] Alright. But making the shield co with the contours of your ship would be significantly more difficult than to, say, make it an oblong bubble. Also, the shield would be very detrimental if you were to teleport a small (but ass kicking) bomb inside the shields, as they would reverse any momentum (towards the ship), be it from Alpha particles, or shrapnel, causing the explosion to effectively be 2x more effective, and if you were to release a corrosive gas inside the shield, it would be rather devastating. Adding skills, and a cooling laser to my ship (Cooling laser cools my ship only, not yours. Not by a longshot). [@TheMadAsshatter] Atomic bombs in space would not be used for creating a large explosion, so much as creating [i]extremely[/i] high levels of radiation in a relatively large area, along with a very powerful EMP. A hydrogen bomb would be somewhat more effective at killing you without a direct hit, because it would put off high levels of gamma rays, and as we all know, gamma rays are no fun.