West was honestly relieved when the girl, Brielle, started following him. After getting this far, he didn't want her blood on his hands. "I'm pretty sure everyone is scared." He mumbled, stating the obvious "Keep a level head. It's dangerous otherwise." As he walked, West was certain something about the forest felt... Different. The path twisted and bent in the same way, but the trees felt different. He told himself that it was due to the face that he was approaching them from a different angle, that he was more level headed and therefore less scared, but he was still more cautious with where he stepped. The two of them had traveled deeper into the forest than West had first realized, the adrenaline had pushed them to run pretty far into the treeline, with no sign of any other players around them. Or so, that's what West had believed. As they turned a bend in the road, West suddenly took a step backwards, walking right into Brielle and blocking her path. "Someone up ahead." He murmured, raising a finger to his lips. He could just hear the young man sobbing softly to himself, obviously distraught from the events of the square. West wondered quite how bad things were in the town, if people had taken arms up against one another in panic. He wondered if anyone had died yet. "I think he's okay. If we calmly walk past him we can..." West was interrupted by a sudden, piercing shriek coming from the clearing ahead, followed by a sound West had never heard before, an odd tearing noise followed by the sound of cracking glass. He peered around and was met by the grizzly sight of the boy he had seen standing, a strange crack along his face and an abnormally large stinger lodged in his chest. West could see his health bar, glowing green above his head as it slowly ticked away and then vanished. The crack started to grow, and suddenly the boy looked up, locking eyes with West. He opened his mouth to say something but as suddenly as it had all began, the boy shattered into small, crystal like shards and floated away into nothingness. West stood, jaw slightly agape, unbelieving of what he had just seen. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but he knew he didn't have time for that. As the floating shards dissipated, from behind where the boy had been standing stood a large yellow insect, larger than West had ever seen before. The beast locked it's large, orb like eyes with West and took flight, hovering slightly in the air. West started to crunch numbers in his head, the distance between them, how easily the creature had killed the other boy and the nature of wasps. He swallowed, his palms sweating and his arms numb as he pulled the sword from its sheathe. "We have to fight it. There's no other way." He mumbled to Brielle "We won't be able to get past it, and if we ignore it it'll call for help and more of them will come. If we can't fight one, there's no way we can fight a whole swarm." The beast floated a little closer, West took a step towards it, blade pointed at the creature. The only way out of the woods West knew was through this creature, he had won harder battles before but never had his life been on the line. It was really now or never.