[b]Hello?[/b] Hello! I'm Ford. [b]What is this?[/b] A [i]specific[/i] interest check, meaning the plot I put on here is the only plot I'm looking for at the moment. [b]Does there have to be romance?[/b] Nope! I just out that in the tags because I LOVE romance, and I would LOVE to have it, but there's a possibility our characters could end up mortal enemies. [b]I like romance too, what gender pairings do you like?[/b] I like MxF and MxM. I play male characters best, and I really would like to stick to what I'm comfortable with for this. [b]Any age requirements?[/b] I'd love someone who is 18+, but if you are okay with keeping all romance PG-13, then as long as you're mature, I don't see a problem with you being under 18. I mean, some young writers are AWESOME. Also, regardless of your age, you must be okay with gore and violence. Because shit's going to happen, and I like to write descriptively. (Not literal shit, mind you.) [b]Writing levels?[/b] I myself write at high-casual to advanced, and I'd really like a partner that could do the same. But mainly, just someone who can write something readable and workable. One paragraph is sometimes appropriate! [b]So what's this plot you've said so much about?[/b] I'm glad you asked, I'm glad you asked! I'm going to try to paraphrase it as much as I can, because this is only an interest check and less is more. [hider=Le Idea] If everything fell apart, people could no longer look to the same government or military for protection or financial help. Of course, it wasn't like it wasn't their fault. The people, that is. Everyone had always wanted "world peace", but when it finally happened, the people didn't like the fact that this global, ideal government had their nose in everything and their hand on everyone. And so, they revolted. Think, French Revolution, but with machine guns. And...nuclear weapons. After this uprising, the shattered remnants of society were left to rebuild themselves. But without a justice system, things only seemed to get worse. Gangs formed, people started relying on them, and before anyone knew it, they almost had a government again. But this time, it was devided in segments, almost by region, each ruled by a small, ruthless group of people who basically did whatever they wanted. People feared them, so they prospered. But none so much as the tight-knit group of five who dominated the east coast, who hid out in the crumbling remains of New York. Of course, five people couldn't assert control over an entire region on their own, so the people they deemed as their "friends" kept an eye on everything for them, calling the five only when something was going very wrong, like someone was challenging their authority. [/hider] [b]What do you want from your partners?[/b] Well, I'm looking for someone who is okay with doubling, though they may not have to for the entire RP. I would be playing at least one member of the five, possibly more, and probably doubling as a civilian. For your character, you could play one of the five, a civilian, both, two of the five, there are a lot of possibilities. [b]Anything else?[/b] PM or thread only. Off-site makes me nervous. I think that's all. So, PM me or post here if you have any interest! A lot of details could be changed if you asked, so don't be shy! I'm pretty much on everyday, unless I tell you otherwise, which I will. Ciao for now, I hope to here from you!! ~Ford