Brielle nodded in agreement as he spoke, "Keep a level head." She repeated to herself. When they heard the boy crying Brielle peered around West curiously. However she had no intention of talking to this person. What if he was just acting waiting for some poor soul to take pity on them so he could... Brielle shuddered at the thought. In these games there were always players who killed other players for fun but would they change their ways now that death was permanent? She wasn't so sure. She was brought out of her thoughts by the boy being stung in the chest and his painful scream. She watched in horror as his body cracked and dissipated into thin air. The only thing she could think however is: will I die like that? Shattered to nothing? She shook her head trying to focus. There was no time for that. When West told her they had to fight it she nodded and gripped her staff tightly in both hands. Her face was determined but she felt something wet on her cheek. Tears? She wasn't sure if she was crying for the deceased boy or crying for fear of her own demise. Despite the tears her face remained resolute and she stepped forward with West. "I have a spell that can stun him but only for 3 seconds... Do you think you can strike him in that window of time?" She asked looking over at west. If he wasn't fast enough the spell would wear off and they would be in big trouble.