With his body spiraling in the air after his strange contortion, Kanitah didn't hear the sound of his dirt-ball colliding with anything. Instead, he felt Fury slamming into his side elbow first, with enough force to snap the three ribs at the bottom of his rib cage entirely in half. Blood was force from the open wound on his chest and Kanitah was sent careening upwards into the sky, without the ability to fly, course correction was impossible. So he was at the mercy of the machinations of his flying foe. This left him hugely open, and though he would hit the ground shortly he was still vulnerable to immediate punishing assault. Kanitah hollered as he flew through the air, feeling the blood rush to his feet and the top of his head as he careened skyward. A bit of numbness running through him as pain, bloodloss, and fear continued to make themselves known to his brain. The old Pundambayan veteran was, reasonably, starting to grow concerned about his own demise. Concerned about who was going to stop Bita before she did something reckless and stupid. Concerned about who was going to tell his wife to stop setting the table for him. In this kind of situation, normally Kanitah would stand back up and continue to fight. But right now, he can't particularly stand up. Because he's flying through the air, so he's forced to think about this while also facing the eminent kiss of the ground upon his body.