[@Darkmatter] Love the world-building going on here! Question(s): Will we as players be playing within a specific nation? If not, how will we link our stories together? What kind of ROBOTS will we be using? And are we allowed to submit multiple characters? I think it'd be interesting to play as a character within the Imperium (or the Alliance), like a Viscount or Duke, even a Rook, as well as an unaffiliated/rebel character, if that's possible. I do however love the idea of it being a hybrid-NRP. I think that if we get enough people doing it that way would expand the sense of scale. Also "[b]Having conceded that its veiled threats to assault American soil were being diminished as the Empire's reach grew, the dictatorship decided to shake its phallus at everyone else.[/b]" I chuckled heartily :hehe: