[U]NPC Character Sheet[/U] [B]Character Name:[/B] Iriana 'Irry' Jacquo [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Species:[/b]Red Panda [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/020/b/d/Paperdoll___Wind_Dancer_by_frisket17.jpg]Irry[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Confident, with a good-humoured sharp tongue, Irry is irrepressibly smart and quick-witted, as well as tremendously pro-active and practical. This is not to say that she lacks in character or compassion, or that she is unfriendly. Irry is very eager to speak to others around her, and to make friends, though she worries that her position as XO to the 'boss' puts her at a distance from others. She is most dedicated to her position and enlistment in the LDF, and takes any combat role she is in seriously. [b]Personal History:[/b] Irry is the sister of one of Silverwind's former comrades. The two met while he served with Irry's brother Marlen, in the original incarnation of the 101st Roughriders, and made good friends, and when the Roughriders were reformed, Silver requested Irry to serve alongside him due to her exceptional skills and memory, and she accepted due to the opportunity to get to know more about what happened to her brother for some closure, and to push her training and service in a different direction. [b]Personal Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Standard LDF semi-automatic pistol and MBR (Modular Battle Rifle) Carbine. Utility/Fighting knife. GEAR harness if piloting GEAR, or Infantry Battle Armour (non-powered armour) and load-bearing harness if in combat. Irry has been issued a newly-built SGR-96B Barghest Special Operations GEAR, almost identical to Silverwinds, save for the lack of command-specific communications and control equipment.