Sapphire stared with a neutral look on her face as Nickolaus spoke to her about the previous event. By now she was used to getting criticized throughout her life. At this point she couldn’t care less. Still, as he continued she felt an urge to retort that it wasn’t her lack of action or her actions in combat that caused the wound but rather his own recklessness, [i]his[/i] mistake. Yes, if she had intervened it might have been avoided, but it wasn’t her fault directly. In the end she decided it was better to not add fuel to the fire. It wasn’t worth it. When he mentioned what would have happened if he had frozen a faint smile crept onto her face. “What would have happened if I hadn’t been there in the first place?” she thought. But in the end she knew he wouldn’t have been able to survive the fight with the plagued harpy any better than she could have if he had been alone. And his initial assessment wasn’t wrong either. She did indeed freeze. She continued staring at him as he walked off into the woods. “Well maybe he should think twice before following me into the woods.” With that final thought ending in a mental sigh she started working her way through the forest in the opposite direction of Nickolaus’ heading. Vigilant as ever, her sense of hearing focused on the noises hidden in the darkness.