Stukov hadn't a chance to kneel down to help Smiles back onto her feet as she picked herself up, and he looked down the corridor as he saw the power armored woman leveling a heavily modified looking bolter at a statue, and sighed and muttered to himself as the first round departed the weapon, replacing the ammunition with blessed slugs instead of buckshot, since it looked like he would not be storming the corridor, but aiming for more precise work. [color=9e0b0f]"Emperor preserve us, arrogant zealot is going to make this difficult."[/color] His grenades would not be useful, either since blinding wouldn't work, or the Inquisitor was in blast radius of the concussive force. As he took a kneeling position and careful aim, Smiles stepped forward and began channeling some warp trickery before launching off her powers, before launching a shockwave that sent his coat billowing as he thanked the Emperor for the rebreather and eye protection to prevent what little chips of tiles and glass ended up heading his way. He responded to Boss' command as he took aim, the shockwave done with now. [color=9e0b0f]Covering fire aye, Boss. Watchman, I'll prioritize close range targets.[/color] Watching the statues get demolished and thrown back, the Armsman timed his fire carefully to avoid risking friendly fire in the direction of the Inquisitor. He was far less concerned with any accidental slugs hitting the Sororitas, having I.D.'d the armor before the dust bowl was kicked up by Smile's attack. It was kind of hard [i]not[/i] recognizing all the gaudy color schemes and designs that they favored so much. While still well armed and armored, he did not hold much respect for the group typically, as their blind zealotry tended to create the very same damned situations they found themselves in now. Shoot first, ask questions later, and scream in horror as they unleash some daemonic threat someone who was looking two steps in front of them might have seen. The question Smiles posed about dealing with the madwoman got a half shrug as Stukov ducked his head back, reloading the shtogun as he spoke. [color=9e0b0f]"Remind me to get a better long range weapon for future work, eh Watchman? And you can make that damned zealot's head pop for all I care Smiles, let's get these damned statues cleaned out first!"[/color]