I am a pretty firm believer that ghosts haunt most theaters. I've a couple stories where that's concerned. On a different vein and also relating to the weird/supernatural: When I was eight or nine years old I remember encountering something pretty inexplicable with my older sister at a campground. We'd been showering in the camp showers, and realized we'd forgotten our towels in the car outside, that our dad was waiting for us in. A lady knocked on the door of our shower and said she'd overheard that we didn't have towels, and if she could help. We told her our dad was in a red van nearby and our towels were in there. She came back a few minutes later with our towels, and we were super grateful. When we went back out to meet our dad, we asked him if the lady had asked for the towels. He said he hadn't seen anyone and no one else had gone into the showers when we were there.