Fury drove himself into Kanitah with a crashing impact followed by the ominous splintering of bone. Blood splattered the beserking Fireen’s face and ran down his dark-blue mail armour as he gritted his teeth and delved deep into his energy reserves, which were starting to flag once again. He always was reckless with his power. To the casual observer, Fury seemed completely in control of the situation and despite suffering minor injuries had done a serious number on Kanitah. However, somewhere back in Fury’s mind where he stored information he wasn’t willing to deal with, and it was quite a large vault of terrible actions and thoughts, was the belief that Kanitah could turn the tables on him at any moment. Fury had felt the power of his machine before, and he had been able to release his true power in the Unbridled form of the Void before in order to survive Kanitah’s true strength, here he was unable to draw the right motivation to follow suit. With that in mind, it wouldn’t take much for Kanitah to land a heavy blow on Fury and break his body, possibly beyond survivable levels. It was a bad situation, Fury needed injury and rage to unleash his power, but he was unable to muster the rage and any injury Kanitah inflicted on him could easily kill him outright. So, there was only one option really available to Fury. He had to throw everything and the kitchen sink at the bastard before he counter-attacked. Launching Kanitah into the air was the perfect opener to such a high risk high reward strategy, because in the sky, Fury ruled. As his elbow made contact, Fury drew deep and sped after him, his left hand driving upwards in a fist to Kanitah’s body, as he quickly skirted around the man while in the air, throwing a right hook at Kanitah’s side even as the Fireen tried to get behind him. Fury’s attacks, if successful, would probably rag-doll Kanitah through the air, setting him up for the next vicious volley. Once Fury was behind him he would slam his left knee up, effectively driving it into Kanitah’s spine and shooting him up and forward into the air. By this point, if Kanitah was still at Fury’s mercy or was just thrown to the ground by his knee would be difficult to deduce.