[quote=@potatochipgolem] o_O! Wait a minute, I remember that line from a song somewhere. [hider=My Hider] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x29ug8gV5M[/url] [/hider] Post is up, it's just a short excerpt about my character reacting to the full moon. It's not too important to many other characters, just another howl from another monster. :>. ---------------------------------------- Looking at faeries will never be the same again. [/quote] [quote=@potatochipgolem] o_O! Wait a minute, I remember that line from a song somewhere. [hider=My Hider] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x29ug8gV5M[/url] [/hider] Post is up, it's just a short excerpt about my character reacting to the full moon. It's not too important to many other characters, just another howl from another monster. :>. ---------------------------------------- Looking at faeries will never be the same again. [/quote] Bugger me, that werewolf transformation was bloody spectacular; some amazing description their my friend. Sorry for not getting back to your PM, I've been at my lovely ladies' house. Shall get on that now. [quote=@Ink Blood] Is this still accepting people? [/quote] We are indeed! Lemmie know if you've got any questions that need answering. [quote=@Tsar Gatto] I've got an Atticus post practically finished and ready to go, but Friday night cocktails caught me before posting did. So tomorrow… probably not that early. Just wanted to again say loving reading along with everything and the other characters - mucho looking forwards to interactions with each of you down the line! [/quote] No need to rush, hermano. Life is about enjoying each and every moment. Thoroughly looking forwards to interacting with you!