Name: Hayabusa Kenshi Age: 15, Second Year [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Disability: Multiple prosaic limbs (left leg, right hand and right kneecap), blind in left eye Personality: Kenshi is diligent and very handworking, especially when it comes to kendo. He often appears cold or apathetic to others and as some tsundere tendencies. Prone to rage fits and outbursts, he hates people who insult family or people who are overall jerks. His work as the Disciplinary Chairman only cements his serious attitude and no nonsense demeanor. He also has a "kinder" side which involves him being a NEET more or less, binge watching anime and playing games. Despite outcry from some teachers and adults, his grades still remain at a good level so he gets away with it. Biography: Kenshi's father died to a chronic illness when he was only five, telling him to "be strong and protect your little sister and mom". Taking those words to heart, he decided that kendo would be the best way to protect his mom and little sister, Yui. He maintained good grades as he went to daily lessons at the local dojo and rose to a respectable position in it. When he was 11, he had met Arisaka Touka at the dojo and the two instantly fell in love with each other, training togther in pairs and going out on dates on the weekends. Unfortuantely, when Kenshi was 14, his good fortune took a change. As he, Touka and Yui were going out to an amusemnt park (his mother was working late and asked the two to keep Yui entertained), they were attack by muggers. Despite bravely defeating them, all three of them were worse for wear. Kenshi took the brunt of the damage, being stabbed multiple times including once in the eye and blacked out. Yui was covered in bruises and had her arm broken but would live. Touka was stabbed at least once and was knocked out cold. Three days later he would wake up in a hospital, he discovered that his former girlfriend had lost her memory, forgetting who Kenshi was outside of a classmate. Devistated, he mourned as if they had both died, seeing both Touka and Yui as symbols of his failure to protect them. He remembered his father's words and how he had failed him, promising to get stronger no matter what. Since then, he has been living with his uncle and aunt so he doesn't have to face his mother and sister, attending both mental and physical therapy, picking up martial arts along side his kendo and transferring to Yamaku Academy in hopes of starting anew. Misc Info: - He spends a huge amount of energy and time on kendo and martial arts, despite the fact he often manages to injure himself as he hasn't quite got his balance or grip with his new limbs. - He named his Bokkun (wooden kendo sword), "Blade of Hope" as it was a gift from his uncle who gave it to him as to try and cheer him up. Has the family crest stamped into the handle - Secretly writes a light novel series known as "Watashi wa genjitsu no sekai de tachiōjō fantajī no hīrōdesu" (Watachji Hirodesu), meaning "I'm a fantasy hero stuck in the real world", under the the pen name "Seto Karashi". The story follows a group of fantasy RPG characters who are taken out of their game and force to live in the real world with much of the story them trying to adapt to modern technology and life while trying to get promoted at their work, McJangles. Has a sizable following (Think a combination of The Devil is a Part Timer and a reversed SAO or Log Horizon). - More to come later.