Once Mr. Grumpy had wandered off, Leanna had begun her attack in the many layers of dust that had overtaken the house. She noted that the workmanship on the wood was actually really pretty once it was cleaned up. She could just see the nice cozy home of her dreams underneath the cobwebs and dust bunnies. As she worked, her thoughts turned towards her cranky companion. She hoped his current mood was a combination of the scam and lack of sleep and that after a go on night's rest his mood would significantly improve. Haku had been cleaning all the little nooks and crannies that were hard for her to reach, mumbling to itself as it strived to remove every speck of dust and dirt. He was a bit of a neat freak so she knew being in the filthy house must have been driving him crazy. Just when it had begun to look somewhat nice she heard Mr. Krabby coming in. "What is it now-" her train of thought derailed harshly at the poor, heart wrenching sight before her. The feather duster fell to the floor as she shot over to him. "Oh you poor thing." She cooed softly as brushed some of the matted fur out of the Vulpix's eyes. "Hang on just a second." She dove for her suitcase and dug around until she found a small bag, a bowl, and knife. She wordlessly moved to the freshly cleaned counter and pulled some Oran berries and began chopping them into tiny pieces. "Here you go sweetheart." She said softly as she held the bowl up to the starving Pokemon.