Eiko knew what Shiina was coming back for when she saw Shiina approaching her, she sighed and said to herself before Shiina explained her ordeal." [color=cadetblue]You give mouse a cookie.[/color]" Eiko sighed once again." [color=Cadetblue]No this will be quicker.[/color]" Eiko told her before un-buttoning her coat slightly and showed her left bare pale shoulder Shiina her bare shoulder she got herself ready for the worse." [color=cadetblue]Just drink as much as you need. I don't want to pass out or die from blood loss.[/color]" Some part of Eiko felt like she was gonna regret doing this and she felt like this will hurt like a mother fucker. ------------------------------- When Shiina told Jun who was her savior, the oni crouched down to Yamato and put a hand on his chest."[color=00a99d] I hope where ever you are, it's where you want to be. It's a shame to see such a young life snuffed out in it's prime.[/color]" Jun told his body, she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, some part of her felt a little sad that someone actually died for her, not many died for her while she was alive, but this death felt like it was gonna leave a scar on her, even though she didn't know who this boy was, she felt like it would hurt not knowing him.