[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5RK2yoV.png[/img] [color=red][h3]S A B L E. & R M.[/h3][/color][/center] [b]R[/b]uined Maw had concentrated on the next matches. The majority of which was boring, if not disappointing. It wasn't until the name: Revan had been called did Sable open his eyes. For some reason, that far-off name scratched at his memory. Where had he heard it before? and why did it feel like he should be wary of it. He bowed his head slightly in thought, ignoring the announcement of the participant change. Soon after, a stifling magic consumed the arena. Sable glanced around at his comrades before instinctively raising his magic core. The heat of his magic held back the overall presence, leaving him sitting there unaffected. Though his comrades, all but Vivian had seemed shaken. [b]M[/b]ary turned towards Sable. She hugged herself with her gauntlets. [color=darkred] "[b]T[/b]he hell is going on here? Wh-What is this magic?"[/color] [b]G[/b]enesis, on the outside looked composed, though Sable could hear her heart quickening. [color=lightblue] "[b]O[/b]h,"[/color] she teased calmly, intertwining her arm with Sable as she looked towards Mary. [color=lightblue] "[b]I[/b] would have never believed the great "Bloody Mary" would have shown weakness in front of our leader. Reign must be so disappointed in you."[/color] [b]E[/b]nder, who was suddenly between Genesis and Sable, wrapped his arm around Sable's leg. [color=silver] "[b]N[/b]ever have I felt such a magic. I-Its ... Its freaking cool! and scary."[/color] exaggerated the youth. [b]M[/b]ary's face contorted with anger before she looked away. [color=darkred] "[b]W-[/b]Whatever. As if you're pale ass would be any better if you weren't beside, Reign. You don't fool me princess. To be honest, I'm more surprise you're not reacting to this, Reign."[/color] [b]S[/b]able placed a hand on Ender's head before looking towards Mary. [color=red] "[b]T[/b]o what?"[/color] he feigned. Before they could answer, he stood up and stretched his arms upwards. [color=red] "[b]T[/b]hink I'm going to get some food. Would you guys like anything from the concession?"[/color] They each declined his offer but Mary decided to come along with him, forcing Genesis to stay behind to watch her younger brother and the odd Vivian. [color=silver] "[b]T[/b]ake'em down, Nigel!"[/color] cheered Ender from behind them. [b]O[/b]nce away from the others, Mary fiddled with her arms and hands. Sable had his own in his pockets as he walked. [color=darkred] "[b]H-[/b]Hey?"[/color] [color=red] "[b]Y[/b]ea,"[/color] answered Sable. [color=darkred] "[b]D[/b]o you think less of me because I was affected by that magic? N-Not that I care or anything, its just ... well Genesis had said-"[/color] Sable forced himself to smile pleasantly at Mary, not that it was hard. [color=red] "[b]S[/b]he was just as scared. She's just better at hiding it."[/color] He said before halting at the end of the long concession line. A few flashes were quick to shine on him. No doubt it was fans taking his picture. [color=darkred] "[b]I[/b] knew it,"[/color] she said matter-of-factually. A long pause went by as she brushed off her moment of vulnerability, her hand tossing aside bangs of crimson hair. [color=darkred] "[b]N[/b]ot to seem unsure of you but are you capable of competing with a power like that?"[/color] Sable held the bout of anger inside, the trepidation that wanted to say "I'm not sure". [color=red] "[b]O[/b]f course I can. I gathered all you nuts together, I can handle anything. That includes finding enough time to deal with all of your playful like ticks."[/color] The line moved up slightly.