• Name: Edward Evans • Age: 32 • Gender: Male • Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/Zk8vnWL.jpg]Ignore the gas mask and shopping cart.[/url] [url=http://img05.deviantart.net/65f7/i/2006/283/7/b/redrawn_vector_omac_by_tweaq.png]As OMAC.[/url] • Method of Travel: Lacks a reliable method of travel, forcing him to rely on inter-dimensional hitchhiking. • Powers: [hider] Edward Evans has been infected with the OMAC virus, a form of highly advanced nanotechnology hailing from New Earth. When activated, Evans' body is encased in a cybernetic shell which provides enhanced strength and durability. There are also a number of other features, detailed below. However, due to the virus sample sustaining damage while travelling across the multiverse, some of them do not function properly, or at all. Life Support: While in his OMAC form, Eddy can survive in a vacuum or similar environment without difficulty, due to the 'suit' keeping him pressurized and recycling the oxygen in his bloodstream. It can also provide nutrients and hydration, allowing Eddy to go without food as long as he wants. He still prefers to eat and drink, however, as old habits die hard. Metahuman Database: Normally, as an OMAC, Evans would be able to access an archive containing in-depth information on nearly every metahuman known to exist in New Earth's reality. However, the data has been corrupted, preventing Evans from utilizing it. Power Simulation: In addition to their inherent capabilities, an OMAC unit can simulate other metahuman abilities to gain an edge in combat. Unfortunately, Evans' capacity to do this is limited, as a result of the virus sample being damaged. Thus, he has merely retained the ability to project various substances from his hands and 'eye.' Specifically, he can project beams of thermal energy, fire-retardant foam, and needles of artificial cellulose. Nano-morph: Evans' suit can manipulate the shape of its hands, allowing his hands to change into crab-like pincers, or simply enlarge them to enhance the force of his punches. Weaknesses: Evans' OMAC form can be disabled with a sufficiently powerful EMP, preventing him from transforming until repaired. In addition, Evans is otherwise a completely mundane human with practically nonexistent combat experience, making him an easy target when untransformed. It should also be noted that if Brother Eye were to establish contact with Evans, it is likely the AI would try to gain control over the rogue OMAC. [/hider] • Personality: Adventurous and an outdoorsman by nature, Evans prefers to spend his spare time hiking, hunting, and taking in all the sights the wilderness has to offer. Thus, it comes as no surprise that he spends very little time in civilized parts, making his knowledge of technology and associated topics limited. He is, however, fairly knowledgeable in regards to outdoor survival, field dressing animals, basic first aid, and so on and so forth. • Starting World: Plain ol' Earth. • Backstory: The owner of a small gas station in backwoods Canada, Edward Evans eked out a passable existence, and lived a relatively quiet life. Nothing exciting, but far from unpleasant, just the way he liked it. Unfortunately for good Mr. Evans, this didn't last, for Lady Luck is a fickle mistress. While out on one of his morning hikes, Evans witnessed a meteorite impact atop a nearby cliff. Moving to investigate, he discovered a thermos-like metal canister, bearing a stylized eyeball emblem. Curiosity getting the better of him, Evans opened it to inspect the contents. As luck would have it, the canister contained a modified sample of the OMAC virus, sent hurtling across realities by Brother Eye in order to fulfill an unknown purpose. Freed from their confines, the nanites picked up a suitable host, immediately swarmed Evans, and began to convert him into an OMAC unit. Much like any normal person, Evans didn't react all too positively to this, and frantically attempted to get the bizarre substance off of his person. In a stroke of questionably good fortune, the struggle resulted in both Evans and his aggressor(s) tumbling off the cliff, and almost falling onto some rather sharp rocks. Almost being the keyword here, as a portal just so happened to wink into existence moments prior to impact. Thus, Evans found himself elsewhere, in a shape far different from what he was used to.