New bloods, Fergus O'Brian was going to progress the war now. He was almost ready to launch the nuke. The staff from the silo were all dead, except two. They were now part of O'Brians militia of new bloods, convinced that they could get what ever they wanted if they were too follow Fergus. He had convinced a total of Thirteen people to fight for him, and only him. Two of them operating the nuke so it would hit its target, the last eleven providing security with Fergus to stop anyone from going inside. Armed with the small SOLDIER armory the vampires were ready to take on anyone that came at them. Some with strong powers, others with military experience, and some with just good connections. Fergus had hit duel handguns strapped under his shoulders in his suit jacket. Then he has a collection of over a dozen knives with him. Some for throwing, some for gutting his enemies. "Dammit!" he screamed when he found one of his dead. "Who the fuck balls what on guard?!" He looked at the corpse, he was torn to pieces then burned with gasoline. Classic hunter move. He turned to one of the new bloods wearing a camouflage uniforms. He was new too commanding troops but this new blood was not "Do what ever it takes, kill the damn hunter before he gets inside." The camouflage vampire just nodded and he and two other camouflaged vampires started their hunt. Fergus walked for less then a minute before he heard the shots, they lasted a short while before he heard the explosion and could smell the flash of vampires burning. Fergus grabbed his radio and called to his command room. "Tell everyone we can spare to get into the silo, the hunter will have to go there eventually." The speaker system gave the command and they waited for the kill. Hank reloaded his .45s, he was low on ammo now. He was going to have to make it last now. He found out Fergus was using new bloods for a personal army. He had no idea how many he had, but the three in uniform were not ready for Hank. They were still getting use to their powers and relied too much on training. It was easy too kill them. He walked up to the burning bodies and went on his knees. "I'm sorry this has happened too you. I do not know how many people you killed.. if any. But your choice to partake in this war has made us enemies. I will never know what it would have been like too know you fellas, I wonder if we could have been drinking buddies if things were different." He heard the speakers and stood up. "I must go now, It's time to finish our war." Hank walked into the silo, he could smell the new bloods, the nukes energy, and something else, he guessed Fergus. Hank had the .45 colts drawn. The bullets were big enough to do damage with out the silver coating. Fergus now stood across the shaft, the nuke tip about 20 feet below then. "Well assfuck, now we meet again. Only this time I HAVE THE FUCKING UPPER HAND!" The new bloods started to show, Hank counted Six, plus Fergus. Seemed they were armed with anything that seemed cool looking too them. Hank spoke up. "I am giving you all one chance to walk away, i have already killed five of you. And once we start fighting I will not spare any of you." None moved, a couple laughed. He figured as much. "Well then, that sucks. I'm sorry for your losses" He rose the two handguns and started to fire.