[b]Name:[/b] Owen [b]Approximate Age Range:[/b] Early 20's [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Owen stands at a respectable 6'6”, but long limbs and a twiggy, toneless muscle build makes him almost reminiscent of the wavy tube man seen outside of used car lots. His pale complexion suggests a Nordic ancestry, and his blonde hair and blue eyes all but confirm it. While Owen keeps his hair neat and slicked back with an undercut, a large, untrimmed beard that reaches the top of his chest gives him a more ragged appearance. Bloodshot eyes and a nose that appears to have been broken more than once add to this less-than-professional appearance. His lips, what can be seen of them, are thin and his teeth are beginning to yellow thanks to a combination of cigarettes and coffee. [b]Attire:[/b] Owen dresses casually more often than not. He wears a thin, gray zip-up hoodie over a faded “I'm a Pepper!® ” t-shirt. A pack of cigarettes and a lighter can be see trying to make a daring, if suicidal, escape from the pockets of the hoodie. His dark blue jeans are straight-legged and fit well, although he still wears a brown canvas belt. His socks are a mismatch of whatever the hell he could find, the current ones being a solid black one and an argyle one. His shoes are a well-worn pair of Chucks. In his pants pockets Owen carries a smart phone with a shattered screen, a house key, and a thin wallet. [b]If you met this person on the street and didn’t know them, what would be your first impression of them?[/b] Generally, the first impression Owen gives is anything but impressive. Despite his height Owen seems more awkward than threatening at first glance, and his mildly higher-pitched voice and occasional stammer certainly does not help him command respect. As well, people tend to notice his constant fidgeting, often making people think he is either on something, up to something, or would be doing something else than talk to them. A lingering odor of stale cigarettes does not seem to make people warm to the idea of him being around, either.