I remember this thing that happened that happened when I was 12 or so that freaked me the fuck out . So I was home alone one night and I woke up to this strange sound of vibrations coming from one of the walls of my room. Said wall was shared with a bathroom, so I headed over to the bathroom to investigate and found this random battery operated hair buzzer switched on in one of the drawers. So I turn it off and go back to bed. I wake up again several hours later and hear the same vibrations coming from the bathroom again. Being twelve and relatively superstitious at the time, I was freaked the fuck out, but I eventually worked up the courage to walk through the darkness and back to the bathroom to find the buzzer switched on again. I turned it off and rushed back to the room, locked my door (which I usually didn't do as my mother was opposed to it) and fell asleep with the light on. I then proceeded to have a dream in which I woke up to the buzzing sound again and went to the bathroom, only to be insta-killed by some dude with an axe as soon as I opened the door. Twas a scury scury night in my childhood, never had that problem with the clippers again.