Ben looked at the psyker as she collapsed. He took a step to help her, when the Sister stepped into the hallway. He looked her, and his brow furrowed. "[color=aba000]Who?[/color]" Was all Ben had time to say before she leveled her weapon and blew a statue apart. Zhevon was shouting things, and the statues screeched. "[b]Stulov, Duren, cover![/b]" The nullrod was sliding down the hallway. Time slowed down for Ben, his heart pounding in his ears. He stepped into the doorway, in the wake of the psyker's blast. Anyone who was concerned with the gallery, would know about them being here now. A statue lunged at Ben, and he raised his pistol in response. Ben felt his heartbeat in his wrist. He smelled the dust in the air, and saw small pieces on tile bouncing off the wall. Ben looked into the eyes of the statue and saw the skin flaying off his body. He saw his organs being removed one by one, but he was still alive. He saw the the death of the galaxy. Ben pulled the trigger, closing his real eye, while his bionic eye immediately compensated for the incredible flash of bright light. The first 'bolt' hitting the chest of the statue and causing the statue to immediately crumble as the intense heat scorched the chest to ash, and baked the entire chest into a brittle and weak clay. The statue kept coming, and Ben could smell the overwhelming earthy scent of burning clay. He smelled ash. Ben's stepped into a fullbore punch into the chest of the Statue, his metal arm pulverizing the stone and gem into dust. The statue crumbled, and Ben turned to the others, and raised his plasma pistol, firing down the hallway. "[color=aba000]I hear you, drop.[/color]" Ben said to the armsman. [color=aba000]"What I wouldn't give for my powerfist right now, or a bolter like hers.[/color]" He muttered aloud. The plasma pistol was requiring two shots to take down a statue, the first one weakening the chest, and the second one obliterating the gem. Ben turned to Adrianne and Stukov. "[color=aba000]Advance! Press the Advantage! Don't let the Inquisitor cut himself off! Break through![/color]" The ghost of Sergeant Duren was back, urging soldiers onward into the cauldron of war against the many foes of man. And where else would you find a leader of men, but at the front, as Ben advanced just behind Zhevon, plasma pistol firing.