Sky nodded to Krista's response, but when the girl offered her a seat she glanced to her coffee and donut. She would have time to eat....the clinic was slow today so there was no risk of missing any action. Taking the seat Sky thought for a moment, then shrugged with a sigh before taking a sip of her coffee, "Well......typically wolves aren't too keen on attacking people.....and I've never heard of a wolf just randomly biting a group of campers and then running off without further damage......" She glanced to the other girls, noting once again that they had no wounds or marks whatsoever. "Rabies of course can be a concern....." But if they were to go to a hospital for testing and treatment, they would have to explain the absence of physical damage........ It was all very confusing, and Sky nodded, "I'd like to go out and look around the campground when I have the chance...but it wont be any time soon....." She came across an idea however. If she were to sneak a rabies test from the clinic to one of the victims.....that could be a good way to figure out what happened. She glanced at Krista and bit into her donut. She couldnt imagine the confusion and worry going through the other girl's head.