Before Leon could click ok, being excited for a massive Int, his fetch modus flopped out one of his items. [color=#e68a00]"Stupid thing, I should get you replaced."[/color] He said frustrated that Dice modus was going crazy again, always with that random aspect. He barely trusted the thing any more, keeping only that which didn't break upon falling to the ground. That being said he kept a stuffed animal in their, a tiger that he didn't like to share its existence with, sort of like having a secret from childhood he'd be buried to the grave, keeping. Normally he'd assign all the sections 2 through 12 but having 11 storage compartments and no guarantee made it a game of chance just to get anything out for a good thirty minutes. If he kept something in the 7 slot then it would work out fine, anything in 2 or 12 however would take too long to access. All he had to do was order a roll, and it seemed to him that this game was clearly compatible with his sylladex, much to his annoyance. Then again that was not really something he was expecting. Only tabletop games caused his modus to go nuts cuase he physically rolled something. Did sburb do that too? He wondered how, it was a virtual thing. No way could that even be compatable. Nonetheless his strife specibi was in his hands, the mighty sceptorkind. Which was just a prop anyway. It was a wooden stick, holding an orange orb at the end. Not much to using it in real life though, smashing that orb on something meant he'd have to buy something new. It was too late to turn back from it, this was a gift from an old pal. He'd kept it as his strife specibus as a reminder of that good friend. He pointed it into the air, assigning it 12 again. It did nothing so he found himself at the merciful hand of luck, guiding him away from violence. Taking a peek back at the screen he renoticed his stats. Alarmingly these were very like him, intelligent but not very wise. High constitution but no real strength or dexterity so to speak. Then the average and charisma and low ass luck were perfect. If this wasn't a mirror then he was looking at a clone of himself. He accepted these stats, hoping that those two really high stats would make up for the shitty ones, which he hoped would cover him in battle. Spells were supposed to work through intelligence right? Wait, were Heirs like wizards or like clerics? He wasn't sure and it was too late to find out.