Raa was too closed off to notice anything happening around her. Her hands closed about her helmet and protecting herself, shaking like a leaf. Even worse were her own thoughts. Over and over, she was thinking she had been shot and any moment she would collapse from it. [i]She shot me… I’m dead...I’m dead…[/i] The ideas seemed so real. So plausible to her when her eyes spotted the gun flash and heard the bang, not fully realizing it wasn’t aimed for her at all. Like Raa, everyone already reacted to the attempted murder in different ways. Donny shot forward and slammed the Turian down, cutting her, ordering her to stand down. Meanwhile she pleaded for her life and curled up into a defensive ball, similar to Raa. Tacticus made a muffled shout, his botic shield raised, while he felt a hand on his shoulder. His commanding officer scolded him and reminded him to butt out next time, her body turned to walk away to set up a defensive perimeter. Avatar had already stepped toward the terminal, preparing it, before taking out its shotgun. When RK got a request for the virus, she immediately uploaded for the Geth to insert, her hands still busy with trying to get Raa back on her feet. Already Solares, who had shooed away Donny, was tending to the Turian female and her wounds. Raa wasn’t seeing any of it, her mind settled in pure shock. Her fingers had partially tried to break her helmet with their pressure but thankful she wasn’t strong enough as she curled there trembling like a leaf. She wanted to go home, where it was safe and she wasn’t being shot at. It took a moment or two for her realize she was being pulled upright. Voira’s eyes studied, checking her over, seeking for some small wound or tear before seemingly satisfied. Sensing Raa’s terror, Voira’s arms wrapped about her and held her close. Raa was immediately attracted to the security, Raa hugged back and leaned into it. She finally noted the fighting was done when the others, mostly the cabalist, started to pull ranks toward the door. It seemed they were setting up a defensive perimeter. Gently, Voira, after calming her down, had guided her to the terminal.When her hands touched the console, RK took over and started to speak. “Alright, Raa. Can you hear me hun?” Raa nodded, meekly. Her digits already on the keyboard as she paused, her mind blank for what she was suppose to do. RK naturally filled her in with a gentle nudge and quickly downloaded the virus. It would take some time while the pair prevented anyone from tampering with it before it complete. Raa’s fingers flew across the keyboard quickly and her mind faded from the scene, absorbed into her work. While RK talked, muffling out the sound within Raa’s helmet, she focused on keeping her charge centered on her task at hand. Being close to the terminal and from the direct fire, they were both sadly unaware of the bouncing grenade into range.