[b][u]The Kitchen[/u][/b] "This here compound has roughly twenty armed men including my Uncle, skilled in the ability to use their guns. Also let me remind you this isn't Hollywood. Basing our survival on them isn't all that smart, but if you want to go look for a better place.... be my guess. There's the gate, you can leave when ever you want. Plus those gates are pretty solid and one can't easily slide through them. Plus with twenty men, we could easily assign guard duty for night watch or even during the day. If someone wants to try and steal from the Yakuza, they can damn well try and get shot for their efforts." He said. He then looked to the rice. "Did you know japanese soldiers in the war could live on one bag of rice for a week or more? this here compound has a stockpile of it in the back. The reason I am preparing sushi is because its easy to prepare and you don't have to cook it. However, like Armend just said, the fish will go bad. Hopefully between us and twenty men including my uncle. The fish will be eaten before it is rotten. " He then looked to the door and the cars. "Being closer to the city makes it easier on the gas that we have when we have to go hunting for supplies. Another thing that I do believe in is ammo rationing as well. Unlike the movies where they seem to have unlimited amounts of ammo, we will have to look for more." "But you two can go ahead and leave whenever you want. Until Yumiko's ankle get's better we ain't going anywhere. Besides could be worse,... we could be in a place with no walls and with fences that can easily be pushed down by zombies. Unless the know how to climb I don't think they will get over the ones outside. I have a lot of trust in my men, they won't let such a safe haven as this be so easily compromised. Again, don't rely too much on what happens in the big screens. The only thing I see will be a problem is likely food supplies once the rice runs out, and of course ammo." He then looked into the kitchen and sighed at the mentioning of the stove. "As for the stove,... I know a few places where we can get electric ones. I also have a cousin who is in the business of selling solar panels. We grab one of the trucks in back and take a drive and relieve his shop of all that it has and take it back here and we will have power for a very long time. We can use some of the same trucks to hit the markets close to the ocean and several super stores in the city and take all the canned food and rice we can. As for guns and ammo,.... we got a warehouse full of the stuff in town." He then pointed to the gun Armend was carrying. "Who do you think likely gave him the weapons he is using. He surely did not smuggle them in here. They came from one of the five family's. We also have facilities like this compound all over the country. My next move is to get in contact with them and let them know what has happened.... I think we can be safe here. The country side of Japan is not as safe as you would think, those movies always lacked one thing and that was the animals. You should also trust in my words when I say them. I have lived here in Japan for all of my years. I know where we can find things, and I have a good idea as to where we can go when this place fails.... but you can go ahead and go of course. I don't think you will find a place as safe as ours and as accepting as well." Yumiko watched the talk and placed her hand on Zomura's. "We can give them a car though and they can spend what time they can to locate another place, and leave our arms open to them when they give up on looking. It is hard to convince certain people what is safe and what is not. Hollywood has given a sugar topping to such things and each movie or show is so different sometimes that you don't know which would be true or not. It is best to let the foreigners find out on their own." She then gestured with her head towards Sean. "Especially when they have someone like him to take care of,... no offense but you have not really proven your ability to survive and we are only on day 1. It will only get worse and I highly doubt there will be anyone like the Governor, but then again who knows. I will take my chances here. Twenty people with guns can be rather intimidating to outer parties. As for zombies... with the gate being the only way in. If we saved our bullets for humans, we could use the swords and melee weapons to clear any zombies from the gates and then burn them. Seeing as ashes will take less room out there then bodies." She then sighed and looked back to Zomura. "It also wouldn't hurt in a day or two to scout the area around us and see what we can use or at least a fall back point. I say we let them go even with a few of ours. With two are three other men they could make some progress." "Of course when you two do go scouting leave your photographer here,... we might be able to find some use for him and until his foot heals he will be useless to everyone." She said, as if he wasn't useless to begin with. She then patted on Zomura's hand. "It's good to plan ahead, we will also have to find things so we can prepare for the seasons. I noticed that is sort of non existant in the zombie films too, or am I the only one who noticed winter never came to the cast of the walking dead?" Either way they had to scout and take what resources they needed. Whether they stayed here or not. This beautiful property will have to be... re landscaped?.. "Also get used to the beautiful property, it wont last long. If we do stay here we will have to tear some of it up and put in livestock and rice patches in here. Luckily we are in Japan where rice is pretty common, growing it wont be too hard and we can live on it for a long time compared to other things." Zomura sighed and knew Yumiko was right and Danica somewhat. "Okay we will let Yumiko recover some here while we will send out teams of two starting tomorrow, with the zombie infestation in it's early stages. The best times for foraging are now. First things first we need ourselves a map. It should give us a layout of the country and I can always add a few spots. I don't want us using google maps because we might want to use the phones for when we need to call one another. Do not use your guns on zombies, save it for the insane people. Ammo is not scarce yet,... don't need to make it a reality by wasting it on zombies. Also perhaps once Sean's foot heals the irish man here can learn how to handle himself and give us one extra helper. Tell then he will have to make himself useful in other fields. Like maybe setting up shop in one of the towers on the walls and being a lookout."