[hider=Targaryen] [hider=King Daerys Targaryen] Played by [@smarty0114] [center][img]http://i1.cdnds.net/10/46/550w_cult_merlin_0311_5.jpg[/img] [i]The king is storng. He won't go down without a fight, and that giant reptile of his will make things even more difficult.[/i] [i]Welcome young ones. I hope you enjoy your stay in King's Landing. I'd tell you to watch out for vipers but I don't believe any of you have enough eyes.[/i] [/center] Name: Daerys Targaryen Nickname: The Rebel's Bane Age: 40 House: Targaryen Parents: His father was King Viserys V, a king known for his harsh nature. He was never lenient when it came to punishment and Daerys' relationship with him was strained. He vowed never to be as cruel as his father was, as he saw how the commoners spoke of him. He died of an illness when Daerys was 21. His mother was Queen Elaena, King Viserys' cousin and wife. She was a kind woman, but she never stood up for her son. The commoners adored her and she enjoyed speaking with them and doing charity work for them. She died giving birth to his sister. Siblings: His sister, Viseria is a young woman of 24. She is the dragon rider of Viserion. Personality: Daerys values fairness and justice above all else. He is a kind king, and many songs have been sung of his mercy. He loves his family, although he fears that one day, he may become as demented as King Aerys, and be overthrown. Skills: Besides being a dragon rider, Daerys is highly skilled with the crossbow and a warhammer. Religion: Faith of the Seven Bio: Daerys was born to King Viserys V and Queen Elaena sometime in the winter. He lived through four years of winter before ever knowing anything else. He loved to run around the Red Keep and play with the dragons in the dragon pit. His father always told him that one day he would take one as his mount. This thought excited Daerys to no end. When Daerys was 16, he mounted Drogon, and the two bonded for life. When his sister was born, he doted on her to no end. Daerys did not weep when his father died. The two weren't close. However, after his coronation, Daerys was forced to deal with rebellion in the streets. His uncle urged him to kill the peasants but Daerys instead hovered above them with Drogon. He spoke to them and convinced them that he was not his father. Since then his rule has been a relatively quiet one, although he was forced to kill the rebels who had holed up in Harrenhal a decade ago. Other: He is the dragon rider of Drogon. [/hider] [hider=Queen Nymeria Targaryen] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gpQ5MF1.png[/img] [i]She's got all the beauty of a flower and all the venom of a snake.[/i] [i]I love my husband with all my heart. But sometimes there are jobs that I am much better suited to than he.[/i][/center] Name: Nymeria Martell Targaryen Nickname: The Desert Rose Age: 35 House: Martell/Targaryen Parents: Her father was Trystane Martell and her mother was a common woman from Essos, a beautiful mummer who enchanted her father. Siblings: Prince Mikael Martell Personality: Nymeria is a mother at heart. She loves her husband and her children, her family is her everything. She is also very manipulative, and when it comes to politics, you don't want to be bargaining with her. She is a very romantic woman, and believes very strongly in true love, although she does believe it is extremely hard to find. Skills: Nymeria is quite the seamstress but she is also very charismatic, and can turn men against eachother with just a few words. Religion: The Faith of the Seven Bio: Nymeria was the first daughter born to Trystane Martell. She was doted on by her father and she was always very close with her brother. When she was young she was betrothed to the prince, an action which caused her many nights of worry. She wondered if this man she was betrothed to would be cruel. However, her worries were cast aside when she met Daerys at the Tourney of Sunspear, and she spent half the night dancing with him. When her brother wrote her, asking to convince her husband to let Artoran become his Ward, she promised him she would. And she made good on her promise, not just because of her brother, but also because of her favorite nephew. Other: [/hider] [hider=Princess Corisandre Targaryen] Played by [@Emma] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/D4fB1IM.png[/img] [i]"That girl has the Targaryen madness in her, I swear! I found her talking to herself yesterday." "One minute she is perfectly sane, and the next she is throwing a fit, screaming, and braking things! I refuse to serve her anymore, the damn girl bit me."[/i] [i]"You know she was born with a caul. Some people think that a child born with a caul has the gift of second sight, maybe its true...maybe that is what ails her...what brings on the madness. Seeing the ghosts of the Red Keep, and hearing voices would drive anyone bonkers."[/i] [i]"I'm going mad aren't I? I can feel it...my mind slipping into darkness. My moments of clarity are becoming shorter. Why is this happening to me? Can no one help..."[/i][/center] [color=fff79a][b]Name:[/b][/color] Corisandre Targaryen [color=fff79a][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Corisandre Targaryen, the first of Her Name, Royal Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. "Cora" [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=fff79a][b]House:[/b][/color] Targaryen [color=fff79a][b]Parents:[/b][/color] [b]Father[/b] - King Daerys Targaryen [b]Mother[/b] - Queen Nymeria Targaryen [i]nee Martell[/i] [b][color=fff79a]Siblings: [/color][/b] [b]Brother[/b] - Aenar Targaryen is her younger brother. He is the crown prince of the seven kingdoms, heir to the iron throne. [b]Sister[/b] - Shaena Targayen is her little sister. Princess of the seven kingdoms. [b]Sister[/b] - Illysia Blackfyre is her older half-sister. She is her fathers bastard daughter. [b][color=fff79a]Personality:[/color][/b] Once upon a time she had been a confident, outgoing, and exuberant young girl. The apple of her fathers eye, and a loving older sister. But that was all before the madness got its claws in her, back when she turned ten. Now a young woman of 17, she is a insecure anxiety ridden mess of nerves, and paranoia. At heart she is a still the sensitive and gentle girl she once was, but the erratic, unstable, and irritable behaviors have become more and more apparent over the last few years. She is scared for herself, and fearful that she might harm others during one of her breaks with reality. She is hesitant, and vulnerable. Her natural empathetic heart does not help, as other peoples emotions can influence her own rather easily. She is desperate for help, and understanding. The fits of madness happen more often then ever now, and she can't stop the visions, or voices in her head. [b][color=fff79a]Skills:[/color][/b] - Singing ([i]very enchanting voice[/i]) - Speak/Read/Write High Valyrian - Prophetic dreams/visions ([i]they make no sense to her though[/i]) - Painting - Mathematics - Remembering trivia/facts [b][color=fff79a]Religion:[/color][/b] Faith of the Seven. [b][color=fff79a]Bio:[/color][/b] The first born and oldest child of King Daerys and Queen Nymeria. She is second in line for the throne, behind her younger brother Prince Aenar. As a child she was bright and energetic. A happy little princess with a golden future ahead of her. But that all changed around the age of ten when she began having nightmares, and hearing whispers when no one was there. Waking up to her own screams in a cold sweat was just the beginning. By the time she was twelve the fits of madness had begun. Hardly anything at first, but things only got worse with time. Biting her nails till they bleed, headaches, and shaky hands accompanied her new anxious self. Seeing things that weren't there, and lapses with reality became a weekly occurrence. When she was fourteen she came down with a terrible fever, and that was the turning point, there was no fixing it. Her bad days started to outweighing the good. Once she recovered from the fever her health was never the same, as her lungs became weak, and the dark circles around her eyes never seemed to fade no matter how much sleep she got. When she was sixteen she was betrothed to Jon Royce's youngest brother Benjin, but the engagement quickly dissolved as Cora's mental health worsened, and she refused to burden anyone else. She is trying her best to stay sane. [b][color=fff79a]Other:[/color][/b] Dogs seem to hate her. [/hider] [hider=Prince Aenar Targaryen] [center] [img]http://s9.postimg.org/pjaz5mgun/Seadragon.jpg[/img] [i]“You look at the Iron-Throne like it might eat you.”[/i] [i]“In the end everyone always seems to want something, everyone.”[/i][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Aenar has a slender almost feminine build to him, taking more from his mothers Dornish side than his Targaryen father, notable by his light brown hair. He has the unmistakable princely look of someone who's yard sparring partners always seemed to fall suspiciously easy. [b]Name:[/b] Aenar Targaryen [b]Nickname:[/b] The Sea-Dragon, Aenar the Absent [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]House:[/b] Targaryen [b]Parents:[/b] King Daerys Targaryen and Queen Nymeria. [b]Personality:[/b] Worrisome would be a fitting word to describe Aenar Targaryen. Thousands of people are looking up to him and depending on him, he feels this weight quite strongly. Though some might call his temperament only natural for someone whos grown up in the vipers nest of Kings-Landing, he still fails to instil any real confidence in those he meets. Despite this though he does have strong pragmatic elements to him and has a sense of duty. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Dragon dreams:[/i] Though he seems to take more from his mother’s side in appearance Aenar will sometimes have prophetic dreams, though more often than not they leave him stressed and often ill. [i]Sailing:[/i] Before Pythrax grew large enough to carry him Aenar used to adore sailing and used it to get away from his worries, so much so it earned him the nickname, the Sea-Dragon. [b]Religion:[/b] Faith of the Seven [b]Bio:[/b] Aenar grew up under the greatest of pressure. King Daerys and it seemed everyone in Westeros was always intent on reminding him how much the realm expected of its prince. Needed to be wise, kind, witty, brave, greatest of swordsman, adept at politics. To hear so many say it he was already all of this and more; but the young Aenar was astute for his age and always found himself falling short of their lofty expectations. It gradually ate away at him. Things came to a breaking point one night when Aenar dreamt a disturbingly realistic vision of himself as a dragon but his wings were broken and a hundred smaller animals were eating him alive. It was too much for the prince and he fled the Red-Keep out to sea with a dozen close companions. It was more than a month later when the prince returned to Kings-Landing finally coaxed back by his shipmates, though his skittish mood had not improved any. The stunt earned him moniker ‘Sea-Dragon’ and seemed to make many at court regard Aenar as an issue, worrying what his reign might entail. Eventually it was decided that Aenar would take up his role as Prince of Dragonstone, ruling the relatively small Crownlands from the ancient Targaryen fortress as befitted the heir of the king. It has been a year since his appointment and Aenar has returned to Kings-Landing to meet the wards, he is somewhat wiser, but no less wary. [b]Other:[/b] Rider of Pythrax, a small blue/silver dragon, only recently grown large enough to ride.[/hider] [hider=Princess Shaena Targaryen] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HNpEeAi.jpg?1[/img] [i]"She is the Queen's favorite. A little haughty spoiled princess."[/i] [i]"I only got twenty presents? Are you joking. Give me your doll! Right now! Its MINE!"[/i] [/center] Name: Shaena Targaryen Age: 8 --- She is her mothers favorite child. The youngest of three, she is thus mollycoddled and very spoiled. --- She is temperamental, and likes to throw tantrums just to distress her governess and the servants. --- She will not be told no, and if you don't comply with her demands she goes to her mother, or she will kick you in the shin. [/hider] [hider=Princess Viseria Targaryen] Played by [@smarty0114] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wSt4kou.png[/img] [i]She's terrifying. She rides that beast everywhere and I'm never sure if she's going to kiss me or slit my throat.[/i] [i]Dracarys! Kill them![/i][/center] Name: Viseria Targaryen Nickname: The Rose of the Red Keep Age: 24 House: Targaryen Parents: See her brother, Daerys Targaryen. Siblings: The King, Daerys Targaryen. Personality: Viseria revels in power. She loves it. She adores controlling men with her looks, or ruling the tournament with her sword. The clang of steel doesn't phase her. She's a seductive woman, taking great pleasure in toying with the men at court. Skills: Seduction, sword fighting, and she is a dragon rider. Religion: The Faith of the Seven Bio: Viseria grew up with neither parents. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was dead before Viseria had even touched a dragon. She was very close to her brother, and he took a great amount of interest in her education. When she was 15 she tamed and mounted Viserion, the ancient dragon which had been her fathers. She was the one who convinced Daerys to bring the Wards to King's Landing, as she believed it would keep the peace in the kingdom. And she wasn't opposed to toying with the young blood that would now be in the castle. Other: She is Viserion's dragon rider. [/hider] [hider=Illysia Blackfyre] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oC8E93x.png[/img] http://www.artwallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121020/abstract%20eyes%20purple%20photomanipulations%201920x1200%20wallpaper_www.artwallpaperhi.com_87.jpg [i][b]She's more the dragon than the son of the king[/b][/i] [b][i][color=darkorchid]You ask if the fire burns me; I answer you that no, the open flame welcomes me as readily as it's dragon mothers[/color][/i][/b] [b][color=darkorchid]Name:[/color][/b] Illysia Blackfyre [b][color=darkorchid]Nickname:[/color][/b] The Dragon's True Daughter; Illysia Fang; Orchid; Violet [b][color=darkorchid]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=darkorchid]House:[/color][/b] Targaryen [b][color=darkorchid]Parents[/color][/b] [list] [*]Lady Raenys Targaryen; cousin of the King and his wife, this young women and the King traveled to Dorne together while the queen was pregnant with her first son. They gave in to the wilds of Dorne in their festivals and conceived a child together though the girl would be born a bastard. The Lady is silver of hair with light lavender eyes, much like all those of her family; short in stature and firm of hand. [*]King Daerys Targaryen; sired the bastard girl raised in Dorne and hid her existence from his wife for fear that the girl of dragon blood would fall victim to his wifes wrath. Later, after learning that the girl was in King's Landing he brought her to the castle. [*] Queen (...) Martell Targaryen; Her step mother is a woman born in the same place, but raised differently as she was raised in Westeros, not Dorne. She hates Illysia, for she was born and conceived before the King had ever come to her bed. She dislikes the girl having purer blood than her own children and a heavier claim to the throne. [*] Prince Lineran Allyrion; Second cousin of Mikael Martell. Her served as a father figure to Illysia for the majority of her life and a teacher when her mother was gone again back to King's Landing. He taught her how to live life and how to love; how to lie and how to fight. He taught her how to remain what is expected so that others may underestimate her easily. He was more a father than Daerys will ever be. [*] Lady Nymeria Allyrion nee Sand; A woman bastard born of the former Prince Martell and father of Mikael Martell, she had barely been born when the man died and was raised a warrior. She is wife of Lineran Allyrion and acted as a mother to Illysia. She was the one who encouraged her to move to the capitol and show those Targaryen bastards what a bastard is really capable of. [/list] [b][color=darkorchid]Siblings:[/color][/b] Illysia has four half siblings - three of her father and the queen, one of her mother and a Dornish Prince -, no full siblings and two friends that are close enough to call siblings. [b][color=darkorchid]Personality:[/color][/b] Illysia is difficult to read, with many expressions and little that really gives away her true thought. She is kind and gentle; passionate and yet still remains a mystery to all who meet her. She rarely gives away any of what she thinks and has made it an art to manipulate people into telling her things. [b][color=darkorchid]Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Lying and Lie Detection; Having lived half her life in Dorne and the other half in a King's Landing pleasure house, she has grown acutely aware of the way people lie and how to lie to them. She, after a few tries, can identify what gives away a person when they're lying to her for the first time and afterward finds it very easy to deduce that they are not telling the whole truth; and thus she is naturally good at finding it. [*] Working the Sheets; Sex is nothing to by shy of in Dorne and often women are not condoned for participating, in which case after being taken in by a Dornish Prince, she experienced all she could of life before moving back to King's Landing and worked in a pleasure house formerly owned by Petyr Baelish. There she honed her skills and learned their secrets. [*] Cooking; She learned to manage a kitchen when she was young, cooking with the servant while her mother was away as the Dornish man who raised her had taught her to be humble even with her pure birth - she was still a bastard after all. Her skills improved with use, and he gave her an ointment that kept her hands from growing cracked and rough. [/list] [b][color=darkorchid]Religion:[/color][/b] The Faceless God [b][color=darkorchid]Bio:[/color][/b] Illysia was born in Dorne, without her father there to greet her with her mother though growing up she'd been told it would be safer than allow the Queen to know that the King had slept with their younger cousin instead of her. She spent a fair amount of time in the Dornish pleasure houses with her various lovers by the time she was fourteen and had begun to bleed. After she turned sixteen of course, her step father - a man she would always consider her true father - had sent her off to King's Landing to meet her parents and birth right. He had witnessed her walk into the flames and remain unscathed - she was a dragon and she was meant to rule. Before leaving they promised they would come together again, this Prince of Dorne, and she would marry one of his sons in the way of Dorne and keep multiple lovers. Passion is their way of life. After traveling to King's Landing and making it, she found her way to a pleasure house where a man was waiting for her; he had learned of her and called her here to offer her something - she would become Queen if she brought him secrets. She worked the sheets in a rich pleasure house that catered to more wealthy nobles than any other before her father came to her and brought her to the castle. [b][color=darkorchid]Other[/color][/b] [list] [*] Illysia is of the dragon blood, purer than even those born to the royal family; the dragon fire in her blood has burned away all other impurities [*] She has a single daughter, two years of age who she has left in Dorne with her foster parents. She intends to have them all come to King's Landing when she is sure it is safe and she will come into her throne. [*] She has a pet snake; a viper larger than most but no less deadly [*] She is immune to the effects of heat and fire and welcomes the bath of fire where others run from it [*] She was taught to fight with her body, spear, sword and shield [*] Works as a Sparrow with the Master of Whispers [/list] [/hider] [/hider]