Damn. She was talking to him. West had truly hoped that the girl would be quiet, understand that he didn't really [i]do[/i] people, but instead he simply rolled his eyes and put on his best, fake smile. "I've been told that. I don't know really, my brain has always been able to understand these sorts of things." He explained with a slight shrug, following the path in his mind carefully, wandering off road so they didn't meet anyone travelling in the opposite direction and to make sure they weren't followed themselves. West was confident that no-one would have considered this particular area for leveling in yet, so he wanted to be careful not to alert other people to the possibilities. This plan would only work if it was just the two of them. A support styled mage, that was original and it certainly piqued West's interest. It had never been a class that interested him much, given the lack of defenses they often struggled clearing harder bosses by themselves, and most people don't consider taking support options, preferring to use spells for high damage and killing creatures. The fact that this girl noticed the supportive potential of a normally offensive class forced West to have a little more respect for her than he previously did. "It's not normally you meet a support mage," West mumbled to himself as he took long steps, striding up a small mound "That's a pretty ingenious idea. Oh, we're here." He grinned, offering Brielle a hand to the top. Before them stretched a large plains, littered with wild boars and other basic enemies. But, most importantly, there were no other players to be seen, meaning that every piece of loot or experience they could harvest in this area was theirs for the taking. A smile spread across Wests face as a little exclamation mark suddenly hovered in front of him, he tapped it with his finger and a small box of text appeared in front of him "As you see the boars of the Fields of Green, your mouth starts to water. You wonder how much the meat inside the beasts would sell for back in town." He read aloud, mostly to himself. Then, he looked up at Brielle "Seems like a pretty simple quest, kill boars and take meat to the next town over. If we're reasonably quick about it we can be the first players there. What do you say?"