[quote=@Kuroneko] [@Thang][@Zaresto] So would it be cheating if I made an Overseer and ok'd my own character? XD [/quote] The Overseer would be a pretty important role, and I fear you might fulfil that role sparingly, and only to further your other character's adventures. Not to sound insulting of course, but not all of us are super Rper's capable of taking on two significant characters, and without knowing you, I'm not sure if you're capable. Now that did sound insulting, I better change my tune. There was some interest expressed by another player in taking on the Overseer, but they haven't said much since, so technically the role is still open. If you think you can effectively and dynamically play both characters, then I haven't got much grounds on which to deny you. I'd still prefer they were separate players, but you're welcome to submit an app for me to mull over.