I) Take diplomatic action A) Improve food [hider=M'Fallow *tip* *tip*] The Priestess sat in her enclave mulling over the words of the ogres. While initially some younger ogres had been coerced into the holy waters, they now had outright refused to venture upon the Goddess' gift. If she were a more fiery-hearted individual she would have called out their blasphemy, for now she was resigned -with heavy thoughts- to accomodate their lack of adherence to join their human kin in the healing waters. For the glory and love of the Earth Mother she had to convince the Ogres otherwise. With a small delegation of Acolytes she led an envoy to the Ogres camp to discuss their stigma against the waters. At the very least she would attempt to understand why they fear the waters, but she and her flock hoped to bring them about to their beliefs. --- In the meanwhile the civilian population would work on increasing their bounties, while the holy water was mostly used to bathe, they began to ceremoniously sprinkle fields with a small portion on the start of the planting season. In addition, they wanted to improve their methods of agriculture. While the soil was yet fertile in most of the region, their history shows that won-ton use of the earth leaves it barren. The non-priestly members of the Small Council mulled over planting methods and began to experiment with the use of a four-field system, a way to have crops growing through all seasons without exhausting the Earth. While the main food crops are maintained on 2 of the 4 steps, turnips, radishes and other bitter root crops are planted to ease the burden of the soil while feeding both livestock and people. In addition clovers and alfalfa were to be planted to act as soil revitalizes as well as being used as grazing lands. [/hider] [hider=Summanry] Yo, Ogres, why so salty? Priestess gonna change that, water is hella' good. Yo, Farms, why so inefficient? Clover and turnips gonna change that, crop rotations are hella' good. [/hider]