"Hmm, what should I say..." Eustace wondered. Only few moments remained before he would finally set off on his adventure. Before departing, however, he decided to talk to his grandfather. Or at least, what was left of him. Eustace had already buried the old man's body long ago. According to some of the books he read beforehand, speaking to your loved ones was the best thing to do before setting off, even if they were buried with only a shoddily made tombstone near the house to indicate their existence. "Well..." Eustace continued, still seemingly unsure of which precise words he wanted to pick. "It's been way too long since I've seen you. I'm not sure if you're still watching over me, or if I'm just talking to your cadaver at this point. But I really hope I can do something that'd knock your socks off! You probably would've been way happier if I wanted to become an info hunter like you, huh? Don't worry about me though, I still wanna contribute a lot to that field, just isn't what I'm super passionate about, y'know?" Eustace stood up from his seat on the ground after he said those words. "Sorry for being such a crybaby for a while. I promise I'll do good to make up for it. I'm gonna go now, thanks a bunch...for everything." Eustace ended with a grin. The walk to his destination would probably take him quite some time to get there. Luckily, he had already prepared something that would make the trip somewhat easier. There was a lid, not unlike one used to cover up a manhole, a few feet away from his small house. Eustace approached it, dragging it away to reveal a hole. He leapt inside of it, revealing a variety of tunnels that all lead to different paths. Given how much time he spent digging, he had gotten rather good at it. As a matter of fact, he could even dig as fast as the average person could walk! Despite the abundance of different paths he could take, reaching the place he wanted to go to was fairly simple, as he had taken the time to draw arrows on the floor to avoid getting lost. — After an hour or two of walking through the tunnels, Eustace's head popped out of another hole. His location? The docks where an old friend of his grandfather awaited him. "There you are, lad!" The man exclaimed, grabbing the boy's hand to help him out. The man's entire body was wrapped up in a cloak, with only his brown eyes being visible. "Nice to see ya again, Mr.Bill!" Eustace replied with a smile. "Is that our ride?" Eustace asked, pointing towards a boat that awaited them. "Yessiree, we're all set to make our leave." Bill nodded. "Is Kyo here, too?" Bill shook his head. "Not yet. Feel free ta wait in the boat 'til she's here." "Gotcha!" With that, Eustace boarded the boat, sitting down on the far left side of it while placing his backpack down. He had mainly brought along some books for the trip, but was interested in looking through one in particular, an art book by a surrealist painter named H.R. Giger. Eustace took the book and looked through the illustrations as he waited for his friend.