Lance was already participating in of the tests, it was revealed that he would be the hero to slay the Demon King, many of the people in the hall gasped with suprise and excitement at learning that the hero had been found. Lance had a large smile on his face, just the thought of it brought great glee to his face. "That's right I'm gonna save you all!" He said with a huge grin while raising his axe, he never went anywhere without it as it was his most prized posession. There seemed to be a few students who were less than thrilled with this though, some of them thought for sure that they would be the hero but instead it was this kid, who very few seemed to know. Lance didn't have to take a test to show what his magic was, as he had discovered it awhile ago while he was training with his parents. They didn't expect him to be able to summon of all things, but they were proud none of the less. And now they would be even more proud when they found out he was the hero to slay the Demon King.