[quote=@The Kid Lantern]Only a handful of the young heroes were at the HQ. Beepers was something Bruce Wayne had already been looking into for the group. But being with the team remotely via robot was good enough for now. Ditto was among the small group, eyes glowing a gold color watching on trying to pay as much attention to the layout of the pipes and sewers. [/quote] Not everyone has been briefed, only a few members of the team were at the tower when the Batbot briefed us. Also, we have no form of communication yet. Bats is looking into beepers for us (How very 1980's of him). In the collab I start off with my character leaving the tower shortly after the simulation in the war room and he has been in the city searching by himself. I believe I mention something about catching up with what's been happening once I run into another member of the team. And yes at least a day has gone by. KL did a time skip shortly after introducing the Crocs in game.