[i]The Courage[/i] Knight nodded at the response's quietly wondering why Captain Rolgnar disappeared. He decided to continue speaking. "No need for cover fire, this is a training exercise. The men will hit the base and recover the HVT, however he may try to run so you need be ready to stop him." He looked over at Ensign who was keying up low atmosphere protocol. "I'll be assigning a specialist unit to the task. The White Wolves, three-thousand man unit. Best marines we've for the job. I'll let you know when were ready to begin. Should you have further need of me send a message to my Lieutenant Commander and we may talk more privately." He cut his the communication and then called down to the crew bays. "Major, you've got a job. Your taking the Wolves and assaulting the base, it's a practice exam so no live rounds today. Just put on a good show and extract the target, if you don't then your cleaning the ship's latrines with your tongue." The Major only grunted as a reply, he knew the man didn't mean the words but still they were incentive to get it done right. No vehicles and no fire support just good fast assault, it would be a good day he thought as men lined up in the storage bay, the only place with a enough room for all the packs to move. They were still equipping and preparing for reentry in atmosphere, the Major couldn't wait to have his boots on solid ground.